Upcoming club race - Mutany!!!!


New member
20 Apr 2004
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Got a bit of a problem here. This Saturday we will participate in a club race, brother-in-law and myself (2 boats). Other friends offered to crew for us, we will pay the admission fee and make sure a nice meal is available for crew at the end of the day.

Just to make sure we have a mutual understanding, I send Twister Ken's definition of crew. Underneat you will find their response. Big question is, how to handle he situation?? All input most welcome! Cheers, Rene.
Crew are there to pull the right bit of string when told,
wind winches, sit on the weather rail, feed the skipper Mars Bars on
request, and buy the beer in the evenings. They don't worry about the
weather, that's not their job.

Crew reply:
Most sorry to say, but I fear you didn't quote the whole article. You did
forget to add:

It is also not their job to:
Arrange (and pay for) diner in the exclusive club houses in the yachting clubs and to avoid any damage to the ship or to other belongings of the shipper, they just wanna go fast!

Last but not least;
It is quite common that one gets paid for doing a job. Look forward to the
remuneration part.

It is most likely that:
1. The crew decides which bit of strings are pulled. Are there ladies on
board? I would most certainly not like to pull yours...
2. The skipper will take care for drinks and bites during the race.
3. The crew will feed the skipper anything that ........... (somtin nasty Im sure..)
4. The crew will worry about the weather. Because when it rains it is most
obvious that there will be no crew. (At least not on deck).

<hr width=100% size=1>Never attempt to teach a pig to sing.
It is a waste of time and it annoys the pig.