UK based boats, post Brexit VAT Status


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20 Mar 2002
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I'm assuming the corollary of that is that a boat which paid VAT in an EU country that is not the UK, and is outside the UK on Brexit day, will therefore be liable to UK VAT if it is ever brought to the UK for more than 18 months.

And that if you paid VAT in the UK but are outside the UK on Brexit day it becomes an EU boat so you will become liable for UK VAT again if you bring it back for more than 18 months.


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25 Jan 2004
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I'm assuming the corollary of that is that a boat which paid VAT in an EU country that is not the UK, and is outside the UK on Brexit day, will therefore be liable to UK VAT if it is ever brought to the UK for more than 18 months.

Maybe not. Under current VAT rules (which would apply post-Brexit until amended, and they might never be) Temporary Importation is not available to residents of the country/VAT area into which the boat is brought.
On the other hand (see recent posts on the "VAT status post-Brexit" thread), who's going to know where the boat was on B-Day, unless you volunteer the information?

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
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Although there are other threads running on this, I've Cut & Pasted from the Cruising Association's latest Newsletter, with an overview of what UK based owners can expect: (and please don't shoot the messenger)



You clearly didn't read, or chose to ignore, the copyright notice on the first page of the CA Newsletter...

The content of this publication is protected by copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights and contains confidential information for the personal use of members and their
authorised representatives. You may not reproduce, modify, copy, distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the material without the prior written consent of the CA


Well-known member
31 Dec 2007
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You clearly didn't read, or chose to ignore, the copyright notice on the first page of the CA Newsletter...

It says 'You may not reproduce, modify, copy, distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the material without the prior written consent of the CA'

Is there any suggestion this is done for commercial purposes. I don't see it.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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I did put snips of it else where but as it didn't come from the CA news letter I guess it was fine , putting that to one side the info from the EU commission is general knowledge and can be found in many of the sailing forum , maybe the OP should had left out the bit that it's been copied from the CA news letter but I can't see it doing any harm and only good what the OP posted I think each and everyone of us need this info much as the info on the Greek tax .
If CA member feel that they losing out because of info being passed around they should think about swearing their member to secretive .
As I said it's is general knowledge as the info as been out possibly well before the CA posted they news letter ,
Taken this one stage further I lay money the same info will be in one of the next issue sailing Mazagine given to them by the CA .
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Active member
24 Feb 2003
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I did put snips of it else where but as it didn't come from the CA news letter I guess it was fine , putting that to one side the info from the EU commission is general knowledge and can be found in many of the sailing forum , maybe the OP should had left out the bit that it's been copied from the CA news letter but I can't see it doing any harm and only good what the OP posted I think each and everyone of us need this info much as the info on the Greek tax .
If CA member feel that they losing out because of info being passed around they should think about swearing their member to secretive .
As I said it's is general knowledge as the info as been out possibly well before the CA posted they news letter ,
Taken this one stage further I lay money the same info will be in one of the next issue sailing Mazagine given to them by the CA .

RYA mag put the same stuff out last month


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21 Dec 2014
In the Mud, Conyer
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It didn't really bother me and I doubt if the CA are too troubled by it. It is after all advertising for their service to yachtsmen and women. It was just the misreading that I noted. It might be useful for some but could be difficult if you are out on the hard at the moment. I have images of all the Channel Ports packed with refugee yachts from the UK.
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