
New member
10 Feb 2003
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I am considering buying a UFO31 but have heard some adverse comments, namely:
It is tender to windward but that it is quickest when it is heeled at approx 25 degrees. It will not maintain track if the tiller is released, tending to head off downwind. When sailing reefed to windward in a blow and steep sea, it lacks the power to punch through the waves. I have also heard that its stability can be improved by the addition of up to 250kg internal ballast.

I have also heard that the UFO31 is a very well mannered boat and is easy to sail single handed.

I am confused. can anyone offer first hand experience of the yacht sailing characteristics, or if there are any test reports on it


Well-known member
8 Jan 2002
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I have a Ufo 31 and am delighted with her. Many of your queries are a bit subjective. I have not found the boat tender, even though mine is unfortunately equipped with in mast reefing which adds lots of weight aloft. She is very quick when heeled with the rail just clear of the water, but thats when the wind is just right. Does she lack power to windward in a blow & short sea? Thats relative, any boat that I've sailed could have done better if it was ,longer, narrower or more powerful.These boats were designed as racers and go better with lots of "gorillas" sitting on the rail, but without them they are still v. quick.
They are agile and will not sail themselves without a hand on the tiller, but nor would my old Stella. Use of tiller lines or keeping the auto helm handy overcomes that problem. Because they are sensitve, lee helm can be induced but correct positioning of the mainsheet track cures that.I often sail single handed and know of at least two owners who do so most of the time.
Good luck with your quest.


Hi Malcolm
I do not know a lot about the ufo 31 except that they were on my shortlist for buying when I changed boats last year.
The other boats I looked at were for purchase in france. A beneteau first 30 and a Jeanneau Rush. I ended up buying a Jeanneau rush.
The difference in costs of buying in france is huge A first 30 will cost from £9000 and the Rush from about £ 14000 and they have to have a certain level of safety gear ie life raft etc.
Hope the hunt goes well, If I can provide any more info for you please send a PM.


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5 Nov 2001
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I bought a UFO 31 2 years ago and have not had any regrets at all. I looked at most of the Yachts from that era in this category and all round this design seemed to me to be the best comprimise. Accommadation is good with an excellent chart table, the galley is well organised, room in the heads to have a wash, love the two outer berths in the main saloon very comfy at sea. Good big cockpit with plenty of large lockers. The mainsheet track runs across the centre of the cockpit and this can get in the way when not sailing but it is in exactly the correct place for the Helmsman when under way. The decks are wide and clear for working on with plenty of hand holds etc. I find the Yacht very easy to sail except in very strong winds when I get a lot of weather helm, but that may be my fault. The Yacht has certainly far exceeded my expectations and the only mod. I would want to make would be to upgrade the Primary winches to self tailers. This would make life a lot easier when singlehanded as the Genoa takes a lot of getting in on your own.
PM me if you like.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by uforea on 11/02/2003 21:03 (server time).</FONT></P>