** Two freed from capsized cruiser, 8 missing! **


18 Feb 2003
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Two people are receiving medical treatment after being rescued from inside the hull of a cabin cruiser which capsized on the Norfolk Broads.
Rescuers heard them knocking on the inside of the upturned vessel stuck in the remote Bure Marsh part of the river, east of Horning.

The emergency services are trying to reach another eight people believed to be aboard the vessel.

A rescue helicopter from Wattisham, Suffolk, is helping with the rescue and a Broads lifeboat is on its way. Divers have also been called to the scene.

Update :-

Two women are being airlifted to hospital after being rescued from inside the hull of a cabin cruiser which capsized on the Norfolk Broads.

Both women were unconscious by the time they were freed. One was given emergency resuscitation by an RAF crew.

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16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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The missing 8 were watching the rescue...

According to the <A target="_blank" HREF=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/england/norfolk/3081351.stm>BBC's report</A>, the other 8 had already scrambled to safety, and were on a pleasure cruiser alongside, watching the rescue.

The big question surely is how any hire company could let a 20ft dayboat out with a party of 10 people on it. Doesn't that sound just a wee bit overcrowded? Or maybe the hirers lied about how many people they were taking?

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18 Feb 2003
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Re: The missing 8 were watching the rescue...

Yes, it does make you worry! I am sure further info will unfold as time goes by, just a terrible tragedy. You hope that people learn from disasters, but unfortunately some have a short memory. I have a 20ft boat which is CE marked for 6, there are 6 seats but I have never taken out six people never mind ten.

What is important here is for people to understand that you can't really let your guard down whether you are in a river or the open sea, you have to be vigilant at all times. I am sure there are people who think of a river as very safe, and that nothing could possibly happen as you are only a few feet from the side, we have an incident here which sadly proves that very wrong.

What is sad is that it is normally an innocent person who pays the ultimate price for the mistake of another. I just pray that I am never that other person, it must be terrible. All I can do is get the correct training which I have done, take as much care of my boat as possible, ensure that a safety briefing is carried out for all on board prior to leaving the marina, and that I have the correct safety equipment for the boat and trip. It sounds so simple but I am sure we have all been guilty of skipping corners at sometime in our life.

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>