TV Coverage (again)


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23 Jun 2001
Liverpool, UK
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Ah, finally an attempt at reasoned debate - excellent! You had committed a gross logical error - the Fallacy of the Undivided Middle - i.e. because sailors consider a ten minute slot inadequate they MUST all want 24-hour coverage. In your own words, a completely vacuous comment.

Read the comments in this thread: Yours excepted they are all reasonable and thoughtful. Everyone except you recognises that not all sports will get as much coverage as they might like.

>> What the BBC actually have to do is balance the coverage on a limited number of channels....

Excellent. But perhaps a sport where we have won, so far, two golds and a silver might have some claim to slightly more coverage than it has so far received. So please drop your whining!!

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
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As a lover of athletics the Olympics are great, but the sailing on interactive is also getting good coverage, have just been watching the 49ers for the last hour or more.

I do wonder though about the time spent on the boxing where we have one competitor who as yet has not reached the medal stage. I am getting tired of the number of interviews broadcast with his father and coach. They also seem to have taken Richie Woodhall out to Sydney purely to commentate on one fighters bouts. Is that money well spent; I think not.
Having said all that he does seem to be a good talent, but no more than dozens of other sportsmen many of whom have already won medals.

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Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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You are right, most of the comments were reasonable and thoughtful, until you claimed that track and field was a minority sport. Also that the 49'ers would get no more than 15 secs coverage. And then called one of my comments stupid (in capitals).

All of which are incorrect. Anyway, excuse me if I totally ignore you from now on, as I'm busy watching the 49'ers on BBC interactive (701 on Freeview)

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
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And they're now receiving coverage on BBC1, unfortunately just a repeat of the interactive last race.

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