Well-known member
I went to a boat jumble this morning and what a load of old shite it was too, all the blokes looked like colin scott (sorry mate, only pullin ya leg) and the women all looked like blokes, but not like colin thank god, I wanted a couple of tins of Epifanes varnish and I dont like giving my money to a certain chain of swindleries on the hamble so I went to the jumble, I dont get it, why do they cart all the usless broken crap around, flat fenders and two foot long bits of rope, they should let me sort through the whole lot and skip whats not needed. Then they would have far less crap to cart around, anyway,
I buggered off from there to work on the boat, I finished some undercoating in the cockpit, just need to top coat out there now, then I attended to a few more of the dodgy window screw holes, so now there is only about 240 to do, I will have a blitzt on it this week, its really quite quick when you get going. It was a bit of a half arsed day on the boat so I came home and sanded some little wood blocks ready to refit, they are part of the grap rails.
Post is titlted tuna roll cos thats what I had for lunch.
"Who was he?"
I buggered off from there to work on the boat, I finished some undercoating in the cockpit, just need to top coat out there now, then I attended to a few more of the dodgy window screw holes, so now there is only about 240 to do, I will have a blitzt on it this week, its really quite quick when you get going. It was a bit of a half arsed day on the boat so I came home and sanded some little wood blocks ready to refit, they are part of the grap rails.
Post is titlted tuna roll cos thats what I had for lunch.
"Who was he?"