

6 Aug 2001
Poole Dorset and Palma Majorca
Visit site
In a moment of weakness I bought Tsunamis from a marine force store yesterday.

Having loaded it in the Lappy I find I should have been given a number for me to unlock the offshore bit and to give me my free charts. I thought I would go to the www.transasdataco.com website as sugested in the F'in Manual (as I did resort to RTFM) to see what I should do and and this turns out to be a very dodgy site indeed with escorts and all sorts.

My question is, does the purchase of this software entitle me to a free escort or is there any chance I might get a small bit of old blighty, mainly the south Coasty bit.

Does any one know what is going on with Tsunamis. Have they gone belly up?




CJ It sounds like you are talking about Tsunamis 99 which has been superceded by "Navigator"
However I believe they are still doing the T99. The best person to talk to is James Woodward at Transas
on 02392 674016, he is very helpful, mention my name Clive Neighbour.
If you purchased T99 Offshore version you will have been given a dongle. If they say you were entiltled to
5 free charts then both the codes for the "offshore" software and the charts can be obtained from JW
He should be aware of your entitlement from the dongle number.
Once installed follow the instructions to set up com1 port to take your handheld GPS
Once up and running you wil lnot regret your choice as this is excellent software which I have used since 1999
If you need any further help please call me on 07980 887745 Regards CGN PS Transas not open weekends



CJ sounds like you've bought Tsunamis 99, which although it has been superceded by "Navigator" is
obviously still on sale.
If you bought the offshore version then you would have received a dongle with a number. If they
said you were entitled to 5 free charts then the "Permit codes" for both the software and the 5 charts
can be obtained from Transas during business hours weekdays. The best man to take to is James Woodward
at Transas 02392 674016, please mention my name Clive Neighbour. He will ask for your email to send over
the permit codes, by the way if you email is web based like one of mine say a yahoo address then you may
have a problem wilh getting the codes. Best to use email from your ISP.

Once you have loaded the software and charts configure the software to com 1 for your hand held GPS
then your up and running. You will not regret your choice I have used T99since 1999 and find it an
excellent piece of software. The vectorised charts are splendid.
If you need any more help feel free to call me on 07980 887745 Regards CGN
