Top Hats


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9 May 2002
Geelong Victoria Australia
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Over here in Victoria Australia, there are a number of "Top Hats" on the second-hand boat market. They are quite capable looking 25ft keel-boats and a couple of them have caught my eye. However, I can find no details about them other than they are possibly a Primrose(/Illingworth?) JOG design from the late 1960s. Can anyone please point me to a source of further information?


I haven't seenanything on the web about them, but I used to sail one that belonged to a friend of mine. We sailed it up the queensland coast a bit including a few horrendous nights in big surf way off the coast.

It was indeed a very seaworthy little boat which could handle big waves and wind. The only issue I had with it was the engine which was a Dolphin two-stroke inboard. I just didn't like relying on the way to go reverse or forwards. There was no gearbox of any sort, if you wanted to go backwards you turned the starter knob backwards and the motor would stop and restart in the reverse direction. To go forwards again you stop and restart the motor the other way.

Docking procedures were always carried out with fingers crossed the baettery didn't go flat!

I'm sure it had about 6'2" headroom which wasn't quite enough for me although most people were comfortable (I'm 6'4").

The steering was always balanced and was easy to sail. It was pretty cheap to own as well and I don't remember having any trouble with osmosis or anything.

Most of them have either diesels or outboards. I think there were several versions Mk1 and Mk2 and I think there may have been a Mk3. The major visible differences being the mast step and windows. I remember some debate about one version being stronger than the others but can't remember which. It's pretty obvious though when you look at them. Have a look for a mast step that would suit the Endeavour.


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24 Oct 2001
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Talk to Max White at Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron... he normally appears there on wednesdays and saturdays, he is a mine of information on most yachts.We have a few of them at RMYS. For my peace of mind though Don't tell him I told you to talk to him.


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3 May 2002
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Was that circumnavigation round Australia, or round the world? One is impressive, the other amazing for a 25-footer.

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