Does anyone know of a site which will give me tidal predictions for next spring? The ones I have used in the past seem to avoid the UK. It must be the UKHO's reluctance to give out info.
Try You download their tidal prediction software and can try it, you need to give 'em some money, about £20 I think, for predictions any distance into the future. I use it and find it quite accurate.
If you have a time and place in mind, I can run mine for you and let you know the results.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Geoffs on Mon Oct 22 16:27:56 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>
I suspect you, and others, are alluding to an outstanding little program called WXTIDE which is available as a free download. Unfortunately the UK powers-that-be created a copyright stink about the use of data from their harmonic tables and last I looked UK data had had to be removed. As with other data such as weather other national authorities have been less mean-minded. I was fortunate to download before this happened and have a working version which includes the UK.
Anybody got the latest on the site and the program?
VMT to all. My boat is spending the winter at a yard at the end of a tidal creek. I need a high spring to get her out. I can now predict when I will have enough water. Look like Good Friday! At least I can now organise the rest of my life.