This Msg board: Popular Mechanics or Sailing?


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Why do you mind ?

I did not understand the reason for complaining about the content of the forum.
Obviously, it has to be good for those who are interested/involved.
Since I joined, I found many interesting (in my view) topics and many others not interesting at all (always from my humble viewpoint). So what? Just looked at those in which I was interested, and skip the others.

In any case, the simple reason why I joined the forum and log whenever I can, is that I found it to be the best around on boating matters. If you can suggest a better one, I'll be glad to have a look at it.


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27 Apr 2002
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Unfortunately I don't have a yacht at the moment! I think I need to sell this godammned computer and get "out there" again..
Actually I am looking to come to England and buy a small boat in my budget range! Maybe we will eet on the water!! lol
I don't know too much about English yachts so I asked for advice believe it or not -see my post in YM Forum "Best OffShore Yacht 20 feet & under" - you see.......I can use these forums properly!
No liferaft or epirb required leaving from England. I can't afford 'em. Law is in New Zealand now that you have to have them as NZ National leaving NZ Waters.


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14 Dec 2001
UK East Coast
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Well toughy roughy, I thought there was a bit of the 'matey' in your correspondence. I guess you were just doing a bit of pom bashing, which can be fun I admit cos they are a little sensitive.

Just a couple of minor points. Why bother to read PBO when you will have volumes of high quality Kiwi mags with the type of content that you require....or is it becos with a population of 4 million, the local mags are just that! Very local!

...and why bother to come to pommyland to buy a 20 footer. From what I have seen of kiwi boats most people just hollow out some pinus radiata and stick a bloody ugly wheelhouse on it. Maybe you could just make the wheelhouse and invert it.

Now, there was once a Kiwi named Adrian Hayter. He did a couple of sails from England to Kiwiland singlehanded after the war. See if you can get hold of his books. He was modest, humble, and a gentleman. A good lesson for us all!


New member
29 Apr 2002
andros bahamas
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well, so what, your a purist. but if you come to the UK to buy a boat do take a trip through the channel islands, engineless and with a leadline, i shall watch this column with interest.


I have to agree with orangeroughy, whenever I go offshore I leave my watch behind.

Longitude's for wimps


Re: This Msg board: Popular Mechanics or Sailing?:

Roger, Just give him back his rattle and make sure the chocks under his pram wheels are properly adjusted. regards, Rod.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Okay, that\'s enough

First duty on my return from holiday - a reminder that tolerance is expected of all users and abuse of other users is not tolerated in the interests of a more useful exchange of information and debate than might otherwise be enabled by a verbal version of Tyson vs Lennox.

Would also confirm that we are quite happy with the general content of this forum and feel that there are other forums available within the network of websites that more than adequately cover broader sailing topics...although there is nothing to stop those subjects being aired here either.


This forum probably contains more practical, useful boating information than any other part of the Internet or any encyclopaedia or other publication.

I see you have only been a user for just over two weeks. I suggest that you learn how to use it before you shout or else sign off, de-register and go elsewhere.

The comments in your most recent posting appear to show your complete ignorance of boats, sailing and all that that means. Perhaps forum users would appreciate a description and name of your boat and your area of sailing so that they can take the necessary precautions and avoidance.


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26 Jun 2001
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I think this forum is extreamly useful and pick up lots of useful tips, and give when I can. It's a shame we have to get so heated over a poor posting. After all if you don't see any advantage in readinmg the postings then go away and leave it for the people who do.


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16 May 2001
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Good on you,O Orange One.

Thought I recognised the NZ accent. Had a good laugh [you would down go well on Scuttlebutt]. ;-)) The POM bashing that is and the bait was taken. Personally I would not worry about running in to you and I am in your neck of the woods often. If you have done the sailing that you mentioned, then most of the POMs would not need to be too concerned either, they just lack a good sense of humour and do not appreciate the type of sailng you get in NZ fee of all those muddy shallow rivers and fog and terrible tides. And as for NZ boat designs, they do not realize who has designed some of the most successful sailing boat designs in recent times, Holland, Farr, Davidson etc.

I too am confused by people choosing posings by apparent random selection to the various sites at or even in doubt posting the same daft question to all of them. I have set a few long lines, well baited myself, from time to time. Once again you brightened up an otherwise dull forum. But a 23ft naval lifeboat??? to Tonga and back???


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30 May 2001
SW London
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Re: Okay, that\'s enough

Don't worry, orange roughy is almost fished out now. Apparently this one got left under the floorboards. The pong will soon go away.


20 Aug 2001
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Leave Orange alone, perhaps he lives in a shed and craps in a bucket on land and so sees no need for creature comforts afloat.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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No - those tiny S Pacific islands dont have a population problem.

Since I moved to S Coast Uk, the thought of putting i to a cove and dropping the hook or whtever has long since gone away, and the engine etc are necessary evils.


Because before i got there, so did 350 other people, and sailing in would be dangerously anti social.

In any case our Kiwi friend never had to contend with Chichester harbour on a Bank Holiday weekend where it seems half the population of his island has taken to the same 5 mile stretch of water at the same time!

So techie stuff is must for those of us who have to live near civilization, which means there is that much more to go wrong. And the sacred cow of 'Good Seamanship' with which this thread started, actually involves a great deal of techie type discussion as a necessary and incrediubly useful part of it..

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