The magic Elixir - Soltron



As Lonjohn said in a earlier thred, I've been looking at sourcing this in US. Found a company in Maryland,, that sell it either in the small bottles or in bulk. Price for 4, 1gallon (US size) bottles is $440. Delivery to UK adds $150, then VAT, converts to a price per litre of £32 or as near as dammit. (P'raps your calculator's better than mine)

Or we can get it in Poole at Craybourne and de Tessier at £29.95 for half a litre.

A nice little earner for someone eh. Of course no-ones ripping off us Brit boaters are they.

So, who's going to the states soon and wants to bring back at least 4 gallons. I'll have one, so will Byron, LJS and jfm. Anymore takers, or maybe we can get BarryD to do a longer sea trial.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: It\'s gotta be good to payback

Eeeek. I go to US once evry two month but ahem not to Maryland! Need a retailer in NYC or Chicago praps? Then there's the matter of checking in this flammable sloshing about stuff; I think that's a non starter since I have been made to put my mobile phone (not to mention briefcase) in the hold on some Euro flights post Sept 11th

Also it may require not only UK VAT to be paid, but also hydrocarbon duty? Dunno, just a guess?

I've ordered 500ml at the UK price of £30. I reckon it needs to improve mpg by more than 5% else not worth the hassle in a boat. Eg the £30 of soltron does 2500 litres of fuel. 5% mpg benefit is 125 litres saving. At marine prices that's say £40 saving - marginal if the Soltron cost £30. At car prices that's about £100 saving, less the £30 Soltron, so more interesting.

To be fair, I'm only looking at mpg. Soltron is also meant to kill bugs in boat diesel, and if it's good at that it arguably justifies it's price on that score as well

Anyway, I'm gonna do a bodgey-half-arsed scientific mpg ecksperiment in Mrs jfm's diesel car when I get it, will let you know. I wonder if I should add some to the barbie, improve the flavour of the steaks?



Re: It\'s gotta be good to payback

Well it'll kill off the bugs in the steak, wonder if any good for 'puters.

The people in MD will deliver foc to anywhere USA, so can arrange for delivery to your hotel and you can put 4 galls easily in your luggage. Should be OK in the hold, no need to hand carry and put in flimsy overhead lockers. Although I don't think they have those lockers in first class, do they? Only back in steerage where us plebs travel. Suppose for you trolley dolly takes your hand baggage off you and "looks after it" till Heathrow. S'at right? Or are you Concorde, in which case they might be interested in the fuel saving. You could flog them a half gall or so too.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Acme Soltron delivery

You are right, you have solved the BSE problem! Put Soltron on your burgers. Err only 3 years too late.

4 galls in my luggage?? That's nearly a landrover sized jerrycan, where the hell am I supposed to put that???!!!

And as you well know, even when it's flying, no-one takes Concorde EASTBOUND, yuk, it wastes time. The bird is strictly for Westbound travel.

OK let's see how the aforementioned £30 experiment goes then arrange truck to deliver to hotel and massive blag at checkin about baggage contents (anything flammable in your bags sir? No but I've got 4 galls of gunk for Colin and if by chance the plane does catch fire this'll make sure it burns good and clean) eek



Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Re: Acme Soltron delivery

Have they told you when to expect delivery? Colin has had more success than me re US suppliers - I'm still waiting for a response.
Will be interested to hear how Soltron affects the mercs fuel consumption. Having an older smokier mermaid engine I'm just as interested in reducing the smoke levels particularly on start up.
BA should be more than happy with you bringing extra fuel on board in case they spring a leak...........................


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6 Oct 2001
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Ooooeeer I am feeling a bit guilty for recommendin a product which seems to be spreading quicker than the diesel bug through this forum.

Seriously folks think about it for a sec as I had a heart attack first time I bought it and that is why I tested it for every claim it made before recommending it to my customers.

Firstly it kills the bug and ensures you never get it. That's why I bought the product to ensure I never get the bug. That to me is worth the cost alone think how much in normal circumstances if you have the bug growing in your system and as you are halfway to France clonk clonk put put and then you have to call on the radio for a tow back. Not only are you going to be embarrased when every sees you being towed in you will have to foot the bill to get rid of the bug. Then when everyone asks 'what happened?; and you say 'the bug' they are going to say 'what yo dont have anything in your fuel to ensure you dont get it?' Then you feel really stupid.

Next it breaks up the sludge and keeps everything clean. Think a 10% build up sludge is 10% where your fuel could be meaning less time between refuelling. The layer between the sludge and the tank can contain corrosives that start rotting your finest stainless steel! Then that sludge starts to creep through and ends up blocking your filters!! Are people starting to see what I am saying here?

Dirt, dirt touching other dirt sticks together making bigger dirt more filter blockage. Soltron breaks down the stuff which helps dirt stick so that these ultra fine dirt particles pass through the filters and are burnt away.

Lets get back to the clean / dirty fuel bit....dirt sludge etc lining your fuel tank and fuel lines etc the gauge of your fuel pipe is so that fuel can pass through at the correct rate and this is also calibrated to your pump. narrow that guage with dirt and sludge and you are putting more strain on your pump and the fuel will not get to your cylinders at the rate required herefore not reaching top performance and also increasing vibration leading to wear and tear! As we know spares are expensive enough.

Do I need to go on? Basically for your thirty quid you are buying long term piece of mind. Soltron at £60 treating 2500 litres of fuel @ 75p a ltre (£3750) is 1.6%increase in cost, sorry I am taking the pump price as I get diesel in CI for 30p litre, if fuel went up a penny you'd buy it or if someone offered top quality fuel for a penny a litre more you'd probably still buy it for piece of mind so a product that could do all that and probably return your expense in economy!!

It's got my vote as you all know!!! Lets see the results you guys get it will be interesting. I get between 3.3% to 8.2% depends whether I am water skiing or going to France Alderney or Jersey (longer trips) and my fuel filter has not needed replacing after 13 months use and 158 engine hours clocked up according to the engineer who replaced it anyway to increase his costs and 'validate the warranty!!' increase his fat wallet more like!!! Oh and by the way i can clean my transom with two finger like lifting dirt of the sideboard no black horrible marks that require scrubbing with some chemical to get it off.. How about that clean transoms aswelll.

Stepping off my soap box now guys. Buy it or not it doesnt effect me just want everyone to experience the same good things I had from a product I didnt believe in to begin with.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: The magic Elixir - now in Anne Summers

LJS they promised to despatch me 1/2 litre yesterday, so expect it this week.

Depsol, thanks, I'm only kidding re putting on burgers, I am actually very keen to give this tuff a proper try. If it's even half as good as you say it's worth it. But cor blimey, reading your last effusive post, I'm even wondering if I should rub some on my todger!!

Also I was told 1/2 litre does 2500 litres of diesel, not 1 litre. They said to double dose the first time, but after that it's 1/2 litre per 2500 litres



Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: come and geddit ladieez

Aha another piece of zee jigsaw falls into place. That name is unquestionably derived from soltron-on-the-bolx. Much like that other (much cheaper) elixir, Balvenie, which means vinegar-on... oh never mind
