The cruise that never happened. With Pics

Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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Well I waited and I bimbled, but she never arrived. Stood up again!

Following Kawasaki and JamesTT's post about the 'cruise' to Porth Dinllaen, I pressed ganged a crew, prepared ship and was in the straits waiting for the Conwy crowd to arrive.

It was at this point that my plans fell into disarray as there were innumerable boats making their way from East to West and I had no idea on what I was looking for.

Unfortunately, Kawasaki had to withdraw from the cruise, as the day before he had hit a rock or object, with which had not had a previous acquaintance, so was ‘hors de combat’.

Without my guide and mentor, I was left floundering around the straits hoping to spot a forum burgee or just someone who would look me in the eye.

Not to let the plan go completely unfulfilled, we decided to press on regardless, which was to be my longest voyage to date – 20 miles there and 20 miles back. I had loads of fuel, working VHF, charts and a plotter and I knew that the mobile phone would always be working as the signals from both the mainland and Anglesey were very strong.

At 4,000 revs and around 14 - 17 knots, we headed up the straits and out through the heads at Fort Belan. The tide was near the top, so I set off across the sands, through the trench and avoiding the long leg following the buoys. Depth was never below four metres and eventually we made it out from the ‘shelf’ and started the long transit to Porth Dinllaen in 16 metres of water.

Landfall was interesting, as I had never been here before and it is a surprise to round the corner and find the extraordinary site of a pub and a few houses isolated in a little bay and packed with boats and people crowed on the beach.


It was impossible to spot anyone in particular, so we tied up to a mooring and made a nice cup of tea, enjoying the sunshine and the boating activity.

Suddenly, most of the boats weighed anchor and started making their way past us out to the two ball perch, just off the lifeboat station.



I realised that this was the Pwllheli cruise that we were meant to be meeting with JamesTT. I cast off and made my way out to the raft, hailed a passing rib and asked if they were out of Pwllheli. He pointed out a rib from Conwy, but he declined to speak to me and as I couldn’t see JamesTT’s La Traviata, I decided it was time to head back home.


It was very hazy and to landward, but out at sea the visibility was very good.


It was a smoother ride on the way back until we got to the Caernarfon Bar, where on the falling tide; we had a nasty wind over tide swell. It took much concentration and throttle work to keep everything straight, but we made the ‘gate’ and followed the buoys back to Fort Belan, encountering only one other ‘nasty’ bit adjacent to the wreck.

Once back in the straights, we fell in with an Orkney and another small boat out from Dinorwic and raced each other back.

I am very pleased with my efforts even though every bone in body aches.

Of course, nothing is ever event free with me and my next post will tell the story of my catastrophe, which happened in the last few feet before entering the harbour.


Active member
2 Apr 2006
Looks like a lovely day out, even without planned company.

Humbly suggest you should have been on Ch16

"La Traviata, La Traviata, Major Catastrophe, Over..., "


After a brief outing on Saturday (see Scuttlebutt) the rest of my weekend has been preoccupied with move preparations. My eBay score will be going stratospheric soon - I am amazed at the prices people will pay for "bargains" /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif . Hopefully 5 weeks to go.


Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Well Major, having spoken to Kawasaki this morning, I have heard of your little encounter and it seems you live up to your name.

I shan't steal your thunder though...

Nice pics BTW, and I did intend to join you but got weigh laid at the SCYC bar - which as you know is not a sandy type bar... /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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Humbly suggest you should have been on Ch16

"La Traviata, La Traviata, Major Catastrophe, Over...

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Would have been a good plan if I had remembered JamesTT's boat name and I had bothered to tell him mine.


Well Major, having spoken to Kawasaki this morning, I have heard of your little encounter and it seems you live up to your name.

I shan't steal your thunder though..

[/ QUOTE ]

I am a bit busy this afternoon so I will continue the story later. Good to hear that the bar profits didn't take a dip this weekend.


10 Oct 2005
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Sorry about not meeting up, I did call Kawasaki as we past PD at 11.15am and got his unfortunate news, I am glad that you made it.
We arraived at Porth Dinllaen just before noon and left at 1.30pm to ensure that we would get locked back into Conwy before the sill was raised at 4pm.
Here are some pictures of a great day out-
View from the pub at around 12.30pm
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Due to the later weather forecast for strong winds only two boats made the run from Conwy.
Met up with Ian G the organiser who very kindly sorted lifts to and from the boats without tenders helped by the chaps from Liverpool Power Boats.
We left around 1.30pm and headed back through the bar as the Major states erlier the change in the sea state in the two hours was remarkable, we punched through a big swell many of which were breaking over the sands, a couple of the cans are off position which made it all the more hairy, but in the end we are glad that we nade the trip, thanks Ian, where to next??????


10 Oct 2005
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A couple more pictures just arrived-

The happy crew-
web page
Through the Swellies at 50knts-
web page

Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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I did see your boat, but the Italian ensign threw me off the scent, so I never bothered to check the name.

We were moored up as you lot came flying out, but any attempts to hail a boat for information was met with blank stares, except the one rib that pointed out the rib from Conwy on the edge of the raft , who pointedly refused to speak to me.

Maybe they don't like uninvited bods. Never the less, it was a cracking day out.

Where did you meet with the dolphin?


10 Oct 2005
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Major, flag is the National Flag of the Republic of Ireland, it`s a long story, and is very often mistaken for Italian. I am sure that the etiquette is incorrect but it beats a scull and crossbones!
We left just before the main group from Pwllheli as we had to make the gate at Conwy, it was quite lumpy on the way back and it took us an hour to get to Carenarfon, there were waves all the way up the Straits to PD. I am not aware of a rib making the trip from Conwy Marina, I am sure that if there was they would have said hello.
Speaking to Ian G from Pennisula Ribs, the holder of the Anglesey Circumnavigation record there were 65 vessels signed up for the trip, many did not set off due to the wind and several turned back, 22 I think he said made it. I could not imagine how the bay would have looked with 70 boats if they all made it.
I and two pals made the trip with the children, our wives met us at the pub and drove from Conwy, everyone I met was very friendly.
The Dolphins were about 2 miles out from the pub on the way back, almost in line with Nefyn on the map, again very playfull.
There were lots of dingy sailors in the Straits on the way back and we all got very wet crossing the bar with the big swell.

Major Catastrophe

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31 May 2005
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Major, flag is the National Flag of the Republic of Ireland.

There were lots of dingy sailors in the Straits on the way back and we all got very wet crossing the bar with the big swell.

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Apologies for not spotting the origin of the flag that definately looked more Italian than Irish.

We left not long after you did and found the crossing back to the bar very smooth. The appraoch to the gate was nasty, but at least we had a nice wheelhouse to hide in and once the patio doors were shut, we managed to make another brew.

Yes, the dingy saliors were out in force and later I will tell how they, or at least their club, ruined my day and nearly my boat.


New member
5 Feb 2007
Morfa Nefyn, North Wales
Hi guys, thanks for coming round it was great to see so many boats in PD on a sunny day. We had similar seas to you and with 15 not making it round and 2 choosing to trailer back it was a smaller fleet heading back. I was so busy trying to keep tabs on where 'my' boat crews were it wasn't possible to find out who everyone else was. James TT introduced himself and pointed out his 'Irish' boat.

I'll organise one for the north of the Llyn next time and maybe head into the Straits so we all stand a chance of meeting up somewhere.

Thanks again for those who got there and sorry to hear about the issues on the return Major. Great photo's though.