the Boatpic winner was..L McCarthy!?



Last week, Lester was in fact, in the detox unit SE1. Well done to all those who identified this correctly! This week, he's back in another gutter or sleeping on a beach again somewhere in Cornwall, having found yet another box of Balvenie in the office. But where is he? Can you identify the picture? Please? Cos we flippin can't and he's supposed to be on assignment at the Paris Boat show soon!...

Hm. The weekly pics don't change every week do they? No. they change every fortnight. And I've got the last THREE of them right. THREE! Ok alright I had some consultancy on one of them. And I won one of them ages ago which was very nice and forgotten which one it was ...BUT

...could we have The Nipper publish who wins? so's we can go round and ooh dear I appear to have broken down and only wearing a t-shirt brr v cold routine? Or at least know when it's finished? eh?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Well I got last weeks right as Polperro but maybe shpelly thing abit iffy. dose that count!!.
Also at the pub. The landlady won the football card thingy,
can you do that!! ( pealy off the back, look see, ah well )
Most things are a bit specialy, slightly and maybe altered to suite the ( inocent) for reasons quite behound human inteligence, for matters of political corectness or greed or other------- very important things. All very much beond mortal Lancastrian. ( With clogs attached).



its orite for yoo. Ime from
Yorksher, stuk here
in the sarf wiv all thees

think I'll go back to the Italian....


New member
16 May 2001
Chatham, Kent
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Didn't look like the only 'real man' amongst a load of southern softies when I took you to that pub last week :)

M&S pullover indeed. We were lucky to get out alive.

Ha Ha

Dave S


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: Another theory on Lester\'s absence...

This comp needs overhaul.....

I got a rather embarrassing (for him) email from Chris Beeson at ipc in repsonse to my Alum Bay answer. He basically told me I could buy my own Balvenie. Anyway, that meant I got the right contact at ipc. I asked him to publish the name of the previous "week" location so we knew if we got the answer right. He said he would, then did for one week, then forgot the next (polperro) and now has remebered again for St Vaast

Thank you for your kind acknowledgement of my consultancy in yr post above ;-).

Yes it's "photo of the week or period till we find another one to put up" and should be renamed as such

So far I've won one Balvenie from this, for W Cowes, which was eeezy peezy

This weeks is eeezy peeezy too. I reckon Lester is away and took the key to his photo locker, so they had no pics at all so sent office junior out from King's-whatever tower wiv a cheapy polaroid, and he only had ten minutes plus 4 quid for taxi so this is what we got. The stern of the boat is added in later using photoshop