Temperature Dips


Active member
28 Nov 2008
Isle of Wight
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probably a question to nothing but I note the temps going to drop to about -2 in Southampton Friday night... boat's on the hard and dewinterised. Temp is back up to double figures in the day. Should I be concerned?

I've read it takes a sustained period of time at minus temperatures to freeze the block to the extent that damage can be done i.e. a couple of days at least


Well-known member
18 Mar 2009
Home=Surrey / Boat=Hamble
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probably a question to nothing but I note the temps going to drop to about -2 in Southampton Friday night... boat's on the hard and dewinterised. Temp is back up to double figures in the day. Should I be concerned?

I've read it takes a sustained period of time at minus temperatures to freeze the block to the extent that damage can be done i.e. a couple of days at least

Gary, I was cursing the fact I filled my water tanks last weekend when we had a hard frost on Tuesday morning... but the frost had melted on the cars by 8am and it was not frosty at 11.30pm Monday night so i think when you get these low temperature spikes just for a few hours not sure you need to worry. Its when its below freezing all night and then the same all day you would need to worry... all IMO!... have you got a small bar heater in your engine bay? if not, perhaps worth wiring one in?