Superyacht hull paint condition


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3 Feb 2019
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A recent video on the eSysman Youtube channel highlighted yacht Sarafsa and its hull which is in very poor condition (link) - see pictures below. I was curious to learn how the hull paint can deteriorate so much and if this is mainly due to sun damage or something else?

I understand that the previous owner defaulted on his debts and ownership was recently transferred to Credit Suisse. This is the reason for the lack of general maintenance over the last couple of years. The yacht is now for sale (link) but there's no mention of the condition of hull etc.

Recent picture from video:

Older picture I found from 2016:


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10 Apr 2011
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It’s in Loano arrived mid Sept .The marina is often used as dumping ground , posh one at that btw for SY who’s owners have lost interest and listed it .Seen a few get moved on .There’s a private airport 15 kms away for jets etc .
A helipad right near its berth too for viewings . So you can discreetly come / go .


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16 May 2001
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No idea how old that photo is but she is in Monaco not Loano. I saw her 2 weekends ago. Sad state - the paint job that has peeled wasn't a "pro" job to begin with. Easily fixed of course.


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10 Apr 2011
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I think she was auctioned sold before Xmas.
That’s explains it .As I said they come + go ……once offloaded .That’s a rather bigger than ave one with limited berths availability I would have thought even on the CdA . No surprise it wound back up in Monaco really .

The photo I posted was 14 th September.I saw it arrive .
In which case a pretty fast dare I say it fire sale , to be gone within 3 months .


Well-known member
31 May 2007
When you say easily fixed……..

I’ll drop you round an orbital sander and a box of 3M 120 grit discs ?

The reality is it isn’t an impossible task at all but there’s quite a lot of boat to tackle . If you thought Plumber Dave’s Transit Custom was a big job to squeeze in the spray booth wait until you see my new boat……..

Henry ?


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3 Feb 2019
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What I don't get is how the paint could deteriorate so quickly. I would have thought that at this end of the market the costs of quality paint and proper application would be pennies compared to overall budgets??

No idea how old that photo is but she is in Monaco not Loano. I saw her 2 weekends ago. Sad state - the paint job that has peeled wasn't a "pro" job to begin with. Easily fixed of course.

@jfm are you aware if similar issues sometimes occur with paint on GRP hulls? I remember that Magnum experienced issues on one of his boats but I think that was probably coloured GRP and not paint(?). I suppose that the manufacturers now have a lot more experience with the different varieties of colouring/paint so these issues should be much less frequent now?


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10 Apr 2011
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I don‘t think you can extrapolate anything from this regarding painting grp . I will add these days in the 2020 s .

I have been investigating for the past 2 well coming on to 3/4 yrs .Covid interrupted progress .
Seen lots of real life amazing examples both when done in the yard(s) and some yrs down the line too at the dock .
Blue and indeed even white paint on what was original white gel coat.

My enquires which is best ( brand) resulted in a anchor thread esq answers …..they are all good .So i cant rank them .
Its NOT what the stuff is is how it’s applied.

Additionally Ferretti group since circa 2015/16 have been painting everything inc there Ferretti beige .Riva , Pershing and Itama , Wally and Ferretti .Not necessarily blue with Itama either you can have any colour just give them the RAL number .

They do it …they told me with vac bagging even with the strictest quality control and technique there are always bubbles or un set areas .With clear gel coat apparently they can be picked up rectified…….then the boats painted once these checks are completed .If that’s right ? Then one wonders about the lay up quality of unpainted vac bagging that use coloured gel coat ?? Colour masking errors and problems.

That’s the worse paint job I have seen .Ok it’s on a big scale but size does not protect it from the basic preparation, materials used , technique of the guys applying it etc . Speculating = Eg the compressor for the spray guns in a cheap east Med or other yard was leaking oil into the air line …..or some short cut ie not enough thinners / alcohol used to remove the yrs of wax and polish accumulation on the hull ?
Or just the stuff itself was not correct ?

Its atypical what ever the reasons anyhow .

Comforting my self thinking Delorean car in stainless steel and everything else on the road painted .They can paint raw metal in car plants and get great results .
So why not boats in terms of achieving similar results ?

Yes trawl any yard in the 80/s 90 s and you did see some dreadful brush marked DIY boat paint jobs …..but then again trawl any car park in the 70 s 80s and you saw similar terrible orange peel resprays .

Techs moved on with paint that’s why i qualified my answer with 2020 s .


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10 Apr 2011
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Also we don’t know whats been inadvertently ended up washing over it.
Thinking some nasty deck or other cleaning chemicals ……attacking it + uv ?

Back to gel coat I had the blue haunches re painted on my Sunseeker when it was about 6 yrs old .It was berthed with its arse in full sun and they suffered ,The paint job worked well and was pretty invisible.Done at its annual haul out in a yard circa 2008 ish .