My sumlog impellor had lost one of it's blades somehow, so I ordered a new one.
Unfortunetly I can't see how to get off the old one. There appears to be a metal fitting onto which the old impellor is screwed. This has two flat sides. However to use this I would guess that you would need a spanner approx 1mm thick. This is a tool that I do not posess.
If anyone has replaced their own impellor(baby white propellor) can they please help me????? Is there some simple way of getting the old one off????
Unfortunetly I can't see how to get off the old one. There appears to be a metal fitting onto which the old impellor is screwed. This has two flat sides. However to use this I would guess that you would need a spanner approx 1mm thick. This is a tool that I do not posess.
If anyone has replaced their own impellor(baby white propellor) can they please help me????? Is there some simple way of getting the old one off????