Strong winds - Heads-up!


Well-known member
6 Mar 2003
Good morning,

Just wanted to give you a heads-up about what could be a sharp increase in winds on Sunday morning. There's more detail in a video I have just put together for SWIS members; if you are not signed up you can register for free now, and watch the video at troughuk

What I am highlighting is a trough which swings through Ireland overnight into Sunday, then into the west of the UK Sunday morning, before crossing the mainly UK and clearing into the North Sea on Sunday afternoon.

The chart below is from and it clearly shows the tightening of the isobars to the south of the main low to the northwest of Scotland. It is this 'squeeze' which could add a force or two onto the wind speeds.

This could increase speeds to gusting in excess of F7, possibly a F8 in the northern North Sea and western Scotland; the effect is likely to be fairly localised, but it is worth taking into account and watching how it develops of coming forecasts.

As the trough swings east in the afternoon winds through the English Channel will increase, and then eventually the east coasts of England will see the increase in the wind.

Just wanted to flag this one up for you, we need to stay safe!!! Feel free to pass this message onto anyone who may need it; forums, groups, clubs etc...

Have a great weekend,
