Naah thats too cheap n eazy.have been to local fix it boys.field coils are well shagged.Previous owner had pair of "recon" starters fitted,well only thing reconned was coat of black paint.The thing had been under water at some time.
Might have found one s/h down at Freedom marine in Folkestone.
Have been quoted £275 for exchange one at local place.£525 new from VP and £325 from Keyparts, all plus vodka and tonic of course.
You might be lucky I think it will either be a Valeo starter, if it is then its off a Peugeot 504 2 litre petrol engine, reason is that I have cross referred one before, give me all the numbers and make before you buy a new one, thats if you like.
paul js
Couple of Ideas, Start n Charge in Maidstone (01622) 695808 replace bits including field coils etc.
The other is this month Boat Mart has a couple of people breaking various Volvo motors, try 01303 262300 or 01706 881760
There is a company just outside London, I forget teh name, but an internet search will thrun the um that does a range of electrictrical and clockwork ones.. Having had no end of problems with my starter I seriously considered the clockwork one.. twelve or so swings of a lever winds it up the hey presto.. engine running. no need to worry about forgetting to turn off battery switch and so on. There electric starters are also pretty keenly priced.
No wind up.
They used to be fairly common on big standing engines. Usualy "charged" with either a crank handle or a lever. Wind up the spring the pull the handle and there she goes. Many years ago at the boat show Rolls Royce were selling an engine which had both electric and wind up starters. Some of the more sophisticated ones even rewound themselves once the engine was running ready for the next start.
Haven't seen one for years now but I always thought it would be a good thing on a boat even if it only started the genny especially on a sail boat where batteries get a bit of a bashing.
Strange how we seem to loose all the really useful bits in favour of the electronic counterpart.
ChrisP )
What do you mean the sea gull in front's walking !!!
They certainly exist - I forget who makes them, we supplied one for an industrial application many years ago for Africa, they didn't want a battery starter as the batteries always went AWOL! They were expensive though - I seem to remember about £350 (for a 6 cyl Ford) and you had to have access to the side of the engine to wind it up. Always started the engine - very impressive.
There was an itemette in one of the yot mags a month or so back in either PBO or MBM regarding wind-up starter motors. I think it was in the April edition.
I was kinda hoping someone with inside knowledge would come up and give the motor factor equivalent and a fair price.
I was quoted almost 600 quid for a replacement starter for an AD41 - luckily I didn't need it as problem was traced to a loose earth strap. However I would love to know who makes them and what the 'real' price should be.
About 15 years ago I had cause to replace a starter on a Project 31 with V**vo engines -Price 350 pounds from V**vo and 85 pounds from the Peugot garage.
Did the projected web-site for equivalent parts, suggested a few months ago, ever come to fruition ? I've been out of touch for a while so may have missed the final outcome.