made a sink from the heads from a salad bowl.. problem is that the sink drain sits proud rather than in a well if was a proper sink so you always have a little water in the bottom!
Also cutting stainless is a pain. we ended up chain drilling and cold chiselling the hole out of the thing!
You won't go far wrong if you find a good caravan/motorhome supplies shop, even online. Failing that do what we did a few years ago and find a decently priced one in a normal bathroom shop and cut the draining board etc down to suit yourself. Any sharp edges can be turned up and lost under the sealer. 7 years ago it cost us £18 and still looks brand new with a large bowl as well.
By coincidence Force 4 Chandlery's catalogue has just fallen open at the sinks page in front of me. They have drop -ins ranging from £33 for a 269mm round to £49 for a 360 X 360 square all with wastes.
Steve Cronin
<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion
If you go to one of the big plumbing suppliers like plumb center, or similar you will get a reasonable selection, most big trading estates have an outlet.
One of the best deals around at the moment is from Screwfix a complete set,
thats a bowl, chopping block(very useful on board, saves space) Tap, waste fitting, etc. 80 quid.
A sink is a sink. And the plumbing fittings--at least here in the US--are the same size whether the sink is for a house or a boat or an RV. The only thing that matters is whether it fits the cutout, and it shouldn't be too hard to find one that does...'cuz except for those on large boats that are full "kitchen" size, most boat and RV sinks are wet bar sinks, available from any source that makes/sells 'em. And for considerably less than from any marine or RV source.
The dog bowl/salad bowl idea is definitely creative. A proper countersunk drain would solve the "proud" problem (though prob'ly a bit late to do after it's installed)... and cheap to replace.
<hr width=100% size=1>Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since 1987