Hi All
I've been doing some digging around (all right - I've been surfing the Internet whilst I'm supposed to be at work!!) and it seems that although I have been operating radio, both MF/HF and VHF/UHF in both a professional and amateur capacity for nearly 20 years, I am still expected to sit through a full day(SRC) or 4 day (GMDSS LRC) course and an exam to prove my capability........I've been licenced as an amateur in both the UK and at technician level in the US and although I'm not trying to be big-headed, I've perused a couple of course manuals on both subjects and feel that I could pass both exams without going through the pergatory of one or other of the courses.
My questions.....
Is there any way that previous radio licences count as sufficient proof of capability for marine radio use, thus meaning that I can just get a licenced issued?
Failing that, is there anywhere where I can turn up with my photos and my cheque and simply sit the exam, thus saving myself course fees of either £80 or £380 depending on the course?
Any help/assistance/comments would be gratefully received
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I've been doing some digging around (all right - I've been surfing the Internet whilst I'm supposed to be at work!!) and it seems that although I have been operating radio, both MF/HF and VHF/UHF in both a professional and amateur capacity for nearly 20 years, I am still expected to sit through a full day(SRC) or 4 day (GMDSS LRC) course and an exam to prove my capability........I've been licenced as an amateur in both the UK and at technician level in the US and although I'm not trying to be big-headed, I've perused a couple of course manuals on both subjects and feel that I could pass both exams without going through the pergatory of one or other of the courses.
My questions.....
Is there any way that previous radio licences count as sufficient proof of capability for marine radio use, thus meaning that I can just get a licenced issued?
Failing that, is there anywhere where I can turn up with my photos and my cheque and simply sit the exam, thus saving myself course fees of either £80 or £380 depending on the course?
Any help/assistance/comments would be gratefully received
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