I have just seen on the BBC news website that the ferry has been suspended again after something went bang. Bringing the old one back might be the cheaper option ?
Sadly I suspect removal of the extra concrete on the slipway might not make it viable , or to have one the same as the last one for sale at Gosport. Chairman Dave and the rest of the island council have a convenient get out by blaming the previous administration , the builders blame the council specs and the council officers involved are probably long since retired or laid off. Another example of island council incompetence. Meanwhile they spend the time promoting pointless TT races without addressing the poor ferry services generally . Latest plan was to fit sidethrusters but even that seems to gone quiet. Meanwhile the council has the roads at st Mary’s potentially dug up without any obvious benefit to road users. Just BAU though for the island council, to be added to the Westridge saga,the Ryde harbour falling into disrepair, the Ryde ice rink closed, the westridge pool closed , and roads which make those of the Caribbean look top quality. Driving to Seaview always reminds me of visits to St Lucia nowadays.
Silly me. I read the ad and thought he had also got a car and the ferry passengers for sale. I guessed they had been stuck when the ferry came out of service.