Solent good points


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27 Jun 2003
Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Well, we're planning to get St T to Chi this Sunday from Brighton - where she's happily gathering weed - if all goes well. It's been an adventure for us, our first big trip. Well, big for us...Anyway, I approach the Solent area with a ceratin trepidation. All I hear about it on the forums is: 2-hour queues of boats to get into marinas (though we'll be on our swinging mooring in Chi harbour); yachts aground every 20 yards; extortionate prices; water rage; having only just enough sea room to go about in; constant radio checks on 16; etc. and etc.

And I know it's a bit late now but please put my fears to rest. There must be something good about the Solent..?

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10 Dec 2003
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Arrive after about 5.30pm and everyones gone home, though Cowes weeks starts this weekend so may be a bit congested.
In fact in the evening The Solent can be really busy like this

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16 May 2001
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It'll take you years to explore it and meet hundreds of like minded sailors who love it. Buzzing Cowes on a Friday evening and bustling Yarmouth on a Saturday. Back to beautiful Chi on Sunday. Next weekend do Lymington or Beaulieu. There's a never ending choice and you'll seldom turn left, although that can be fun sometimes. We're very lucky really despite our grumbles..

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11 Oct 2002
Home in Chilterns, Boat in Southampton, Another bo
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What ever you fancy can be found in the Solent.

Lively pubs and music West Cowes Friday or Saturday
Maritime History Bucklers Hard, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard or the Gosport Sub Museum.
Great Shopping and Entertainment. Moor at Haslar and Ferry over to Gunwharf Quay. Go to Lymington Market on Saturdays. Moor at Shamrock Quay and stroll up to St Mary's for Premiership Footie.
A Bit of Nature watching. Newtown River, Beulieu River and Chichester.
A quiet night at anchor. Yes you can even find loads of places to do that.
Beaches, walking, good food and good beer it's all there

To me, the crowds of yachts and ships are endless entertainment. Where else can you see giant racing catamarans, classic yachts, famous racing yachts, tall ships and quirky designs all in a day. See the colour and drama of top end racing and be endlessly amused by the less able in the mooring joust.

The only real downsides are the wash of passing vessels, the fact that some harbours fill quite early in the day during high season and the VHF chatter.

If you can sail mid week it's even better.

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29 Apr 2003
Not always where I would like to be!
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Re: How often do you see an empty prison...

....with open access to France, the South Coast and some of the best all year round sheltered sailing in the world?

Not very often, unless people enjoy being there.

<hr width=100% size=1>Think I'll draw some little rabbits on my head, from a distance they might be mistaken for hairs.


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20 Jun 2001
Not far from Uwchmynydd, near Bwlchtocyn, just up
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> What ever you fancy can be found in the Solent.

Hmm. Whatever you fancy maybe, but not whatever eveyone fancies... mountains, empty spaces, hundreds of islands rather than just one, empty beaches, no queues...

Given the choice of where to live and sail in the UK, I think I would choose Oban.

<hr width=100% size=1>Summer is what you expect - rain is what you get.


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4 Jun 2004
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Re: How often do you see an empty prison...

As Peppermint says its all here. It can get windy and a bit bumpy but very seldom dangerous. Do try to avoid weekends and Sunsail. Have a good time.

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29 Apr 2003
Not always where I would like to be!
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I love walking up mountains, but I've not tried sailing up one yet. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Living in the Midlands, the Peak District is within 60mins of my front door, the Welsh mountains 2hrs, the Lakes 2.5hrs and W. Coast Scotland is not an unreasonable journey. For walking, climbing and dinghy sailing, I enjoy all of the above.

I also enjoy keeping my boat in the Solent. My insurers are happy to give me 12mths in commission, without additional premium or excess, and although I shouldn't say it, in case it catches on, winter sailing in the Solent is wonderful. France is a realistic long weekend destination and many of the Solent harbours are superb.

This is really a taste and practicality thing, like AWB/MAB and all the other issues of personal taste and circumstance. Enjoy the West Coast of Scotland, as I hope to do one day, but don't knock the Solent, it's got a lot going for it.

<hr width=100% size=1>Think I'll draw some little rabbits on my head, from a distance they might be mistaken for hairs.


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27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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As has been pointed out by other solent sailors on this forum, it is an awful place and we don't want any visitors finding out that all the horror stories are merely cooked up by the locals so as to keep God's own boat pond to themselves.
Friday and Saturday nights are busy everywhere, so if you plan on staying somewhere for the weekend, get in by Friday lunchtime if you like your berthing to be quiet and hassle free. Most harbours are half empty during the week. My favourite spots are Bembridge, the Folly Inn (upstream of Cowes) and Buckler's hard, as we like to go for walks in between sailing. There are no duff places, except for Southampton, even Gosport is quite posh these days (the food in the Castle is quite good). Have a good holiday.

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New member
27 Jun 2003
Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Groovy, that's done it..! Thanks all.

Extravert, I take your point about peace and quiet and getting away from it all - that's what I look forward to as well and the Solent sounded the antithesis of all that. But I am actually looking forward to life in Chi and exploring the Solent, though I still miss the Medway and its various species of power station and container port...

Dave_White - it's not a holiday, we're here to stay. Be afraid...

Right then, we'll see how many of you lot we can spot on Sunday...


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27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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You won't regret it. I found Brighton to be a very dreary place by comparison. Where in Chichester harbour are you going to be based? We are in Mill Rythe (swinging mooring), and some of the best evenings are the ones where we stay on board in order to leave promptly on the tide the next morning. It's just like being back on the Blackwater, in a muddy creek with the redshanks and curlews gently calling as you watch the sun go down. We even catch sight of one of the resident seals occasionally.

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New member
27 Jun 2003
Brighton, East Sussex, UK
I know. We live in Brighton so just stopped the boat here for a week to play with our friends. And the day we went sailing from Brighton for a couple of hours has to be the single most uninspiring time I've experienced on our boat.

In Chi we'll be swinging in Girte Rithe just round the corner from Emsorth Pool, so our new mooring is also very similar in flavour to our previous one at Mariner's Farm off Barlett Creek on the Medway: mud, sandpipers, seals, mud, mud, that type o' thing, so will feel very at home. Is your mooring nearby?

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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Medway mud....

I don;t think you can reasonably compare Medway and Chi harbour muds!
One has a base in oil and heavy metals and should be avoided at all costs.
I am sure you will have a whale of a time ..............

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27 Feb 2003
Hampshire, UK
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SWMBO and I have been to Brighton twice, 1st time she was ill from the Looe onwards and we were swamped by a wave at the entrance, 2nd time she was ill from the Looe onwards, it was our 1st passage with GPS and I was grateful for it, then the engine got us inside the marina and sputtered to a halt. We don't plan a 3rd visit, SWMBO has a veto under these circumstances.

Yup, we are round the corner form you, you'll pass Mill Rythe (red can) on the way up to Emsworth. It is a semi-drying creek with a small pool in the middle and a boatyard at the top, Hayling Yacht Company. A lot of people seem to winter there, so his prices can't be that bad. Access is +/- 4 hrs for the creek, +/- 3 hrs for the boatyard from HW (4' 2" draught). There is a good pub at hand as well, the Maypole. There's often an empty mooring available if you need a change but from the description of your mooring, I doubt that will be a sensible option. The seals seem to congeregate around the Guptner point nature reserve to the south of Mill Rythe so you should see them some time.

Unfortunately my work takes me away to Greenland for 6 weeks from Saturday onwards, so that's the end of summer sailing for me, but I'll give you a call in September when we next plan to go out, if you like. A loosely connected bunch of us usually go to IOW each year (this will be the 3rd year), sometimes as many as 4 boats, and I get the "priviledge" of organising it. Looks like the Folly about the last weekend in September, depending on the tides.


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Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Welcome to Chichester harbour ( especialy the Emsworth end)

The Solent is as good as has been said. However after 8 years up in Emsworth, we still love 'coming home', should your trip have been to France or just over to Bembridge, sailing back up the Emsworth channel is bliss, especialy after a 'busy' afternoon in the Solent. As well as exploring the Solent you can spend many a weekend in Chi harbour itself, poor weather does not mean no sailing in the shelter of the harbour.

Chichester Harbour is close enough to the Solent but far enough away.

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30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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<There must be something good about the Solent..?>

Cheer up! If it was so bad why do more people sail there than almost anywhere else in the UK. And Chi harbour is still one of the prettiest places to be. Yes, the Solent is very busy (its such a rotten place to be, you see!), and like any sailing venue it can be uncomfortable, cussed, shallow, wet, or just plain fantastic! You will soon find your own favourite corners which never fail to let you down with their variety and beauty. I have logged over 250 miles in the last 6 weeks or so just pottering around mostly the Eastern end, and so far have only once been asked for Harbour Dues (£2.00 at Newtown River) apart from my annual fees for Chi.

If you like the busy centres like Cowes, Hamble and so on and want to be able to step ashore every night to the high life - you can! But it will cost. If like me you prefer the quiet of an out of the way corner then theyre are plenty around and many are free. Try: for starters.

There is enough to explore in Chi Harbour itself to fill an interesting week without ever crossing the bar.

So welcome to the Solent - and enjoy!

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