SOLAS Regulations


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19 Feb 2002
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I keep reading about the SOLAS Regulations in various magazines, and how the MCA will prosecute if they are not adhered to (passage planning/ safety briefings, safety equipment etc etc).

I've been searching the MCA website, and cannot find details of these regulations as they apply to the average cruising skipper in an average yacht (say up to 40'). Can anyone advise whether boats of this size, for pleasure use only, are exempt, or are a lot of skippers wide open to prosecution due to ignorance of the rules?


The introduction of these particular SOLAS rules is a mess. The rules are unclear. 'Amplification' by MCGA with its fatuous repetitions and ambiguities has simply made matters worse. Yes; there is no reference on MCGA web site despite an announcemnt to the contrary. The RYA is like a rabbit caught in the headlights and has no idea what to do next.
It should, if it has not already done so, tell the auhtorities that the rules are impracticable, impossible to follow and, until some common sense comes along and seamanlike words appear, then it, the RYA, has told yachters and boaters to currently ignore anything they may have read.


Regulations is a loose word in this context .... it's like IMO ..... Int. Maritime Org.

Both have recc'dations - that many have interpreted as Regulations ....

It would be foolish to ignore them, and then incur problems in case of stranding / life loss etc. Insurance and possible Criminal Negligence ......

But of course in general the average Yottie does not travel the oceans etc. as the SOLAS etc. were originally intended for. It is possibly a case of the mighty being brought down into the smaller world and not fitting and actually not being so directly relevant .... ideals / aims are admirable - to save life, but implementation can be difficult !

....... SOLAS regs are available through Good Adm. / Marine Bookshop ..... but be prepared for a difficult read - its designed for commercial ships !!


I bought a booklet not so long ago produced by RYA ..... it is a list and recc'd inventory / operating for yachts ..... it has been copied by various authorities, it may even have been copieed by RYA from another source - I do not know, but I got it because I cannot read Estonian ....... Estonian Yacht req'ts are REGULATIONS based on this booklet ...... funny isn't it - RYA produce a recc'd set of things, another country takes it as Gospel !!!!

Sorry I cannot emember its Title ... but a good Marine Book Store will point it out to you ..... I thought it worth every penny, and I usually do not agree with RYA !!!!

Cantankerous old cuss I am !!


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19 Feb 2002
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Mmmm - thought as much! Is this a case of the Media hyping something that the Authorities have no real intention of policing? On the other hand wasn't a skipper of a 50' Birchwood motor cruiser recently fined £2000 for running into the outer harbour wall at Portland? I believe it was subsequently found that amongst other things, his flares were out of date - perhaps that was punishment under some other Regulations? The fact that not many have responded to this (admittedly rather dull) post speaks volumes.

Someone should be giving clear guidence on this - perhaps on his return from the USA, Kim could have Yachting Monthly lobby the Authorities for clarification. What do you think Mr Hollamby?


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
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Probably a couple of reasons why not many responses. It's Friday evening, and most of the new Solas regs have been discussed at length in several threads - though not necessarily under a title heading of Solas, and are across several forums. RYA themselves joined in one of them


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19 Feb 2002
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So, Nigel, do you think that as long as we carry out reasonable passage planning (and can show proof that it was done), carry out a safety briefing, have flares, liferafts and lifejackets etc in date and good order, there is little to concern ourselves about?


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11 Jun 2002
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Just picked up some relevant info today. MCA have issued two leaflets - Solas V and Life Saving Signals (leaflet refs MCA/098 & MCA/099). Give basic info on what is expected. Nothing startling or unexpected, though I didn't have time to read in detail.


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11 Jun 2002
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One of the new regs is that a copy of the Life Saving Signals must be carried on board. Surprised that one of the magazines haven't got around to publishing a plastic coated version, or a simple colour page which can be cut out and laminated (Hint, Hint....Kim?)

An article on one of the other regs would be good. It is now mandatory to carry a radar reflector 'where practicable'. The MCA leaflet I mentioned suggests that boats over a certain size can easily carry a radar reflector of the recommended size (urrm, off the top of my head 10m2), and that smaller boats should carry the largest reflector that can be fitted. Recent magazine tests suggest that most reflectors are of limited value, and where the heck do I fit any sort of radar reflector on my 21' sportsboat (err, sorry folks, I'm a stinkpotter, but I do sail sometimes!).

Passaging planning seems to be down to common sense. If you don't know where you're going, you get the charts out. If you know the area well, and know the local bolt holes (and how to get into them) you check tides and weather forecast.


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11 Jun 2002
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It's been there for a while.

Doesn't actually explain anything. No practical advice on what passage planning actually entails (the MCA leaflets I mentioned previously do finally give some practical advice on what is required),

no mention there of what radar reflectors should be carried, just 'The RYA has asked the Department of Transport and the Local Regions' (DTLR) legal team to clarify 'if practicable'. The DTLR's interpretation seems to be that if it is possible to use a radar reflector on your boat, then you must use one.

Again, the MCA leaflet is more explicit in terms of what if is required for larger vessels, but still no clarification of what smaller vessels should carry, especially vessels such as sportsboats which don't have a mast to hang things on.

I'd say that the MCA leaflets are a significant step forward, and are far more clear than the obfuscation on the RYA site, who clearly either
1) don't understand the ramifications at all, and so will not comment or give advice in detail, for obvious legal reasons. Not a negative comment, just that if RYA will not give clarification, then it is not clear,
or 2) they are hoping to reduce the extent of the ill considered ramifications of Solas V for leisure boaters


RYA Cruising - Yacht Safety ....

RYA Cruising - Yacht Safety Sail and Power


Price £3.95 from Warsash Book Shop

Good advice - good book and various authorities around the world have used it as their starting point for Yacht 'Control'


Life saving signals cards ....

available through most Life-Raft service agents as they plastic laminated, 1/2 page size and inserted into every life-boat / life-raft on ships. They are an IMO / SOLAS item.


How can I answer that ????? without either seeming to be an advocate of weighty / burdening 'regulations, or on the other hand - suicidal maniac ignoring all recc'dations.

I can only answer what I do and I believe is appropriate for MY boat and situation ..... I carry as much safety gear as possible, but also look at size - stowage of items, area that I am sailing in, boat that I am on / using, I try to evaluate each item and allocate a priority style code to it.

I have various items that I collected over my many years at sea .... Int. Code of Signals etc. etc. and these have a place. BUT I again sort out what is needed, what is an overkill.

Others may disagree and I have no argument with their ways. We choose to boat and we accept the risks etc. I would try all ways to reduce my call and putting at risk others to save me ..... thats my deciding factor.

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