So why do you go boating


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11 Dec 2001
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During the "outage" of the board on Friday and Saturday, I ended up visiting a few US based sites and had a peek at their versions of these forums. I firmly ended up with the impression that the majority (??) of American boaters use their boats for fishing whereas to my mind, we tend to just go boating with no particular goal or aim in mind. We might plan to visit another marina, but in reality it's just being "on the boat" that's the prime objective.

Several of the sites I had a look at judge whether a boat's good or bad purely on it's ability to get to and from favourite fishing spots in heavy seas and there seems much more emphasis on "live bait wells" and fishing rod holders, and other fishing related stuff I''ve never seen on a European boat. They seem to almost look on their boats as just a tool to allow them to indulge their primary hobby, the fishing, whereas we seem to view the boat as an end in itself.

Or are you all really fisherman too and use your boats that way too? I know I don't.

A good day for me is just to be on the boat but that doesn;'t seem to be the "American way".

So, how do you judge a good day or weekend on your boat?


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16 May 2001
Just outside Budapest or In the Med (Corfu)
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Now that's easy!
1/ If I manage to get the whole kit and carboodle out of the gate without demolishing the post.
2/ Arriving at the desired slip to find that it is indeed usable!
3/Getting self and 2 Airdales (and occasionally wife), on board without any of us getting half drowned.
4/Managing to avoid collision with the lunatic fringe in the hire boats who want to come and have a look at the cute doggies
5/ Actually catching a fish or 3 occasionally.
6/ Not running out of 2stroke mixture half way back.
7/ Getting the whole shebang back home without killing the dogs, the wife or myself!!!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Well Colin, thats the first time youve put more than two words together, that make sense. Sort of. Yes it's true. SWIMBO cant get her head round it. Americans dont seem to be capable of it. You dont nead a project or a reason. Just being there is quite enough. On the other hand you also have to just make it to the pub whilst the tide is going out. Sail around on damp sand till every one else has gone home. Or your not a proper sailor man. I get the pop group on my boat every year. AND YOU'VE GOT TO CATCH A FISH. But it's either to small or to BIG. I got sick of moaning about. TO small. And found them a whole school of basking sharks. 30ft long at least. And still they moaned. Got some good picies though. think that helped.

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----- I'm a Volunteer!!!



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21 Aug 2001
Northland New Zealand
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Here in the far north of NZ most launches are 'game rigged', although in the marinas of Auckland one sees plenty which arent . Most Kiwis who arent into game fishing still like to catch a feed.
I must say that I had noticed not much interest in fishing on this forum.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by chippie on Mon Apr 8 00:25:46 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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I go boating because I am too stupid to have a sensible inexpensive hobby like collecting used teabags, trainspotting, or buying mink coats for my wife.



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30 May 2001
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In our case it was to use as a diving platform and still the best days are those when we bring up dozens of scallops as well as a lobster, crab and flatfish or two.

The diving gear is always carried but not always used, still enjoy going places just for the fun of it, but it's always better if it can be combined with a few dives. Nothing beats a good day at sea and a full goody bag!


The single most obvious thing which gives us pleasure just to be out on our boats (not fishing) is of
course the sense of freedom only being at sea can bring. Unlike driving or flying etc, going to sea
is the last activity which is not over regulated, and an activity in which your not coseted by the
state, i.e. the wellbeing & safety of you and your passengers is under your control.
Last big challenge really. CGN

PS apart perhaps from pot holeing and I can't imagine anything being less fun than that.



New member
1 Nov 2001
Southampton ,England
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Fishing,Fishing,fishing, but i may try going into a different marina this year ,but have know idea realy what to do,
I have a colour fishfinder for fishing ,
GPS for fishing ,
rold holders for ,,,,you guessed fishing , ect ,ect, yet the boats quite nice looking ,nothing like a fishing boat.