Simrad Radar


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16 Apr 2003
West Sussex- Chichester
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When I purchased my boat back in March from a the dealer, she came with a brand new radar still boxed and ready to be installed, this was left by her previous owner a very nice chap. I took delivery of her and the warranty the dealer gave was very helpful to a beginner like myself.
Since taking delivery and trying to use the radar, I struggled to make any sense, I asked fellow forum users who tried in vain to get it working, they shall remain unnamed, but know who they are. I asked the dealer to have a look back in May and then again in June, but was told they would sort it… Well after the SBS I asked again as I went out tried to use it as the weather was turning etc but to no avail…. The Simrad unit & dome were returned to the manufacturer, and have now been sent back installed and are still not working. The dealer is trying to get this resolved but close to seven months after taking delivery is this norm? Should I just sit back and expect this level of service now I have a boat? What would others do? Insist on a replacement? Claim compensation? Name and shame? Or what?

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21 Jan 2003
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Welcome to the world of boating !!!! the Industry has no concept of SLA's

sorry about your'e probs afraid I can't offer any words of wisdom only tales of woe !!!


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Deleted User YDKXO

What you do is going to depend on whether you have some written documentation confirming that the dealer agreed to install and commission the equipment as part of the deal to buy the boat. If you have, then I would instruct a solicitor to write to them giving them say 14 days to get the equipment working, failing which you will get in a specialist to do the work and seek reimbursement from them
If, on the other hand, you have no such documentation, then you have to ask yourself, realistically, whether the dealer is sufficiently competent and willing to do the work and, if, by the sound of it, the answer is no, you're going to have to get in a specialist to do it and swallow the bill

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New member
10 Sep 2003
In front of the bloody computer again
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Re: Name and Shame

It's no use, I feel I'm about to be outed. I have tried to get a court injunction to get this drunken and mentally unstable libeller stopped, but failed.

I therefore confess: I tried to make it work, on at least two occassions, and failed. On one memorable occassion, I even resorted to reading the manual.

However, whatever else Hagrid may claim about me, the goat was over 16, and consented. All other correspondence on the matter will be handled by my solicitors.

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