Shipping a multi hull


10 Jun 2019
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I haven't started to contact shipping companies on this yet, but wonder if anyone has heard of shipping companies putting a cat of 9m on the top of a container cargo and moving it to wherever. I have been told that this is done, but would appreciate any gossip - or even hard fact on the matter. Where would i want to ship to to, or from? Perhaps from the east or west coast of the US to Europe or maybe someplace like Dubai to the Med. .


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27 Dec 2004
Marine Surveyor in Barbados
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Are you currently looking at possible boats to buy that are on the east and west coasts of the USA, and in Dubai?
A cat that is 9 m in length is probably going to be at least 4 m. in beam - this is wider than a standard shipping container (which is 8').
Hence your cat would be taking up 3 x 40' container spaces on the hatch covers.
Or they might even stow her on top of a stack of containers.
Either way, they will charge you for the cost of shipping 3 x 40' containers.
And this cost could become a significant proportion of the cost / value of the boat.
Hence it might then be better to look for a suitable boat in the Med instead?


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6 May 2018
N Atlantic, Carib, UK, Canaries
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I have only shipped once and used Peters and May. They'll have a guy organising where the boat is positioned grandly called the Loadmaster. Howver, since my boat ended up sitting on sacrificial keels and patio-doors forward into various Attlantic gales, it seems any moronic help will do and only light Teris skills by "loadmaster", and if you get your boat craned aboard any ships at all it will likely be fine - perhaps better cared for and ignore any "specialist boat care" which clearly involves knowing that they can get away with almost anything. 18x9 cat cost £35k Turkey to Antigua occupying erm 162sqm so 9x4 occupying 36sqm distincly less, maybe $10k? Try hold back 50% till it gets there in one piece. Lightly smearing boat with polish will isolate it from rust marks. All the rules they give you about emptying tanks - forget them.