Second Question



I've got attached to the bottom of my boat something called a 'sonic' transducer. Someone told me this was a make of transducer not sonic as in sonar. So this pesky installation disapears behind headliners and all kinds of stuff, so, in short if I could find an instrument head that fitted this thing I'd be a happy man.

Alternatively, I have an old instrument head with different plugs. It's a 1981 Seasearcher dual with 2 transducer plugs (one like the back of a TV set aerial the other like your old fashioned DIN socket) can I cut and splice the co-ax from my Sonic transducer to make 2 inputs to this thing?

Any help would again be much appreciated as I dont fancy spending £200 with loads of work if I dont have to.



You don't say if it is mounted inside or outside the hull and if it is pointed vertically down like a depth sounder.

If it is an old depth sounder transducer, I would not bother hooking it up as you suggest. The liklehood that it is compatible and still functional is minimal and not worth the experiment.

There is also a sonic transducer used in boats (as opposed to ultrasonic) whose purpose is to deter barnacles from attaching to the outside. Since they do not prevent other types of marine growth you still have to clean the bottom so I doubt if they are very effective. If it is this device, there is, or was a driver box somewhere that powered it.


This Question I reckon would be better answered by Van Cleef
he is the sonic expert on this forum.
The sonic device on your boat Tony was it the same as that on mine?
Dit it have a plug going through the hole with something that looked like two metal pins on the outside of the hull?

If it is it its a sonic log.!


Have you not heard Mr Van Cleaf is Dead. Ah well he lived fast and died young. Dont reckon it is a speed thing, It's a vertical plastic screw sitting in what looks like a black puck, defp looks like a transducer. But ta. Sorry not been in touch but the 3 jobs that needed doin on the boat became 6 became 9 etc etc. Speak to you soon. Tony