Yes indeed. But strangely they didn’t put double glazing in the sides. I’m unsure why.Can't help with your questions, but I like the double glazed window units! I presume they must really be of benefit in the colder months. Do you avoid / reduce condensation with these?
Far from ideal for glazing - not UV resistant, reacts with acrylic (most yacht windows - although these are clearly glass), strong adhesion can damage weaker frames upon removal, etc.I've used CT1 without any problems, and would use it again.
Short answer: Yes.Would I be better to remove them and use butyl tape instead
I got round that by using a few longer set screws with ordinary nuts to pull the frame in, then using the right ones. A bit of butyl around the neck of the screw ensures a good seal where the longer ones were.I found butyl tape too thick to be able to seat the frame and do up the short interscrews so used butyl mastic (arbomast) instead. Initially more flexible and squishy.