Sealine 305 Statesman


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23 Mar 2003
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There are a few of these around at the moment at attractive prices. Loads of space/accomodation etc but I've been told that they are not great sea boats and are particularly prone to rolling. Anyone got one, or had any experience?

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Deleted User YDKXO

I had a 305 many years ago and without beating about the bush, it was the worst boat I ever owned. If anybody out there owns a boat which is was called La Cuenta (what an appriopriate name), I'd love to know her history over the last 12 yrs
You have identified the major advantage of this boat in that the accomodation to price ratio is excellent and what attracts most people to the 305 in the first place. The major problem with the 305 is the fact that it carries a flybridge on a relatively short light hull and is powered by outdrives. This means it is blown about easily at slow speeds and is a bit of a pig to manouevre in a marina. A retro fitted bowthruster would be a major plus.
The flybridge also causes problems at speed as well; as you have already alluded to, it rolls a bit in a beam sea especially if you have a few people up top - nothing dangerous just disconcerting. It is also sensitive to trim tab position. If you trim the tabs down too far at certain speeds, the boat doesnt track very well and is also prone to slight 'porpoising', bouncing up and down even in a flat sea. I must stress that none of this is dangerous and some owners might just consider these things as characteristics rather than faults. I believe Sealine improved the hull on the later models (310, 330, F33) and they have sold loads of these boats so I suppose there must be many satisfied owners out there
My boat had Volvo AD31 engines but some had the AD41 engines which I'm told are a bit too powerful for the boat. The AD31's pushed the 305 to 26-27knots which is enough but the engines themselves can be noisy and vibey in the 305 - I dont think Sealine bothered with too much soundproofing
If you can find a sound 305, then it would make a good family boat, just dont expect it to be the best sea boat

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23 Jun 2001
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The 305 was a bit of an experiment which was quite successful but greatly improved upon with the 310/320, but the 'guest' cabins in all these boats is rather claustrophibic - I only kept a 310 for one year because of this - but had no worries over sea keeping or performance (twin AD41s).

<hr width=100% size=1>Trev


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18 Jun 2001
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I have a 310 at the moment and would say that it offers everything you have highlighted. I would also say that I agree with the comments regarding roll. It does take a bit of getting use to but only becomes an issue when big beam seas are experienced. The aft cabin is small but what can you expect? We had a Targa 27 before this and that really was small!! If you can find one go for the twin AD41's, they give plenty of power in reserve but means very comfortable cruising at 25+ knots. We've had ours for two years and are very please with it. Let us know how you get on.

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