The sad spectacle of Lawnmower Racing, only for even sadder waterbourne aficionados of that demised third world lump of old iron, brass & aluminium that has (fortunately) passed into history like the Morris Oxford?
Steve Cronin
<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion
Perhaps it is the winged variety of seagulls that are being raced rather than the noisy smelly outboard motor type? Don't know how they make the flying ones race though, maybe like greyhound racing but with the rabbit replaced by a fish or something?
Mylor Yacht Club usually include a Seagull Race in their annual Open Day - could that be the one? The Race itself is a small event, the Open Day usually late May or June.
Horrified (astonished? amazed?) to see that the 'demised third world lump of old iron, brass and aluminium' (how polite can you get?) seems to be making something of a comeback - at least at the Netley Boat Jumble yesterday!
Any number of the old horrors up for sale at ridiculous prices (One at £450 - and no it didnt sell this time), and an entire stall devoted to a whole range of gleaming lovingly restored monsters advocating them as the best dinghy outboard....
Didnt seem to be doing much trade - cant think why!
Seagulls are really aptly named - noisy, messy and cantankerous - just like the engines.