sure about shirt or moustache? ..... dead right about the hair though ... i've a Baghdad pack of cards here (c D Rumsfart) and the Ace of Spades looks abt right especially if shirt colour has faded a bit ....
Original model for house of horrors waxwork dummy, or maybe that is the dummy, really can't be sure. If it is the dummy then they obviously ran a bit short of the horse hair that particular day.
Tie - that was discarded by Reginal Bosanquet in about 1976, along with the shirt.
When - on acquital
How old - what's it worth to know?
Tie manufacturer - somewhere in the far eastern back street, but not Hermes, as it says on the label.
mmm I now red (as in the face) and (puce) green (shirt) are supposed to be complementary.. unfortunately this is a case for the fashion police.. (probably incurring a life sentence).
When will men learn that mostaches are definately suspicious.. ?
1) A relative of Saddam (do the US realize he is hidding out on SB?)
2) mmm well judging by the breeze blocks recent.. within the last week or so
3) mmm do I need to be diplomatic? well if correct about ID no so I would say 55
4) Tie Oxfam circa mid 1980s
I think youre all being rather unkind. Look at the expression. The man is obviously in pain (perhaps, out of shot, he has his hand trapped in the bow roller again). Or is it a leer? Oh, yes...
Well apparently the shirt was white until just before the photo was snapped ... but the effects of a monster sneeze are obvious .. red face, green shirt and checking to see dangly bits are still there ...
The shirt is Cotton Traders, the tie is Next. This is very smart getup for the educashunal sector, and can only presume that the Laird of Bowland-by-the-M6 is destined to be VC following a short stint as occupant of the Erasmus Chair of running into the coffee bar and saying oi you there why didn't you come to my lecture?
Well, if the right-click-properties of the image is anything to go by:
John Swannie
Picture taken on 10 may 2001
Folowing up on the URL:
I'm John Swannie and I work at DigitalBrain ( I used to work at Blackpool and The Fylde College where I had a dual role, primarily as a lecturer in Leisure Studies and secondly as the College ILT Champion.
I've worked in F.E. since 1993 and before that I was head of an outdoor centre. The organisation I worked for then received European funding for a computer based communications network. That was back in the early eighties and I suppose that's where my interest in computers began. Before I go any further - I am not a webhead or computer whizz. The computer can make a tremendous contribution to the way we deliver our courses - to be a part of that should be the right of all lecturers, not the privilege of a few. Nothing that follows demands anything other than a sense of adventure and a willingness to experiment.
<hr width=100% size=1>Group of people on the pontoon: skipper is the one with the toolbox.
Oh well that's OK.. but what about the tie.. what's the excuse there?.. thinking about it the shirt and tie are probably what caused the Red face/forums/images/icons/wink.gif I at first thought this was an indication of the Parahandy's whiskeys/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
I go off on Future Shaping Educational Junket for 36hrs and all hell breaks loose.
The tie was given by admiring nubile young colleague in appreciation of gifted mentoring period and insight into deepest philosophical recesses of the Great Mind of the Claymore. I was trying for a greater expression of appreciation but had to settle for the tie as she is a friend of Dear Hearts younger sister and could probably not have lived with herself. On reflection its highly likely that I couldn't have lived with Dear Heart as I don't think she has much in the way of sympathy and understanding in this area.
The shirt is my finest 100% cotton duck Blacks of Greenock 12 Scout Ridge tent offcut
Hair by Phillipe - tecnicien coiffure de Poulton le Fylde
Age is Early Post War ((39-45)
Smile is genuine and to be trusted
The only thing I cannot pin down is who pointed the wall.