sailing websites



i am intrested in looking at peoples personal sailing sites, about their boat or their sailing. i have searched may times for sailing related sites but the usual crap always comes up. does anybody know of any decent personal sailing sites?

i have made my own sailing site and i am having problems gettin any traffic through it as search engines dont find it and i havent found many sailing sites where i can advertise my site.


New member
23 Jun 2001
Liverpool, UK
Visit site
Three points:-
1) Check out the UK Sailing Index site at "" - just under 2,000 sailing sites indexed. then e-mail them. They'll check your site out and if they think it has any merit - your's will pass, no bother - they'll e-mail you back in a few days with comments; suggest sites that might interest you; suggest a few links to add; and add your site to their list.
2) Some search engines (I think Yahoo, for example) require you to visit their site and complete an online application form)
3) Web crawler-based search engines (the classic being Lycos) work on meta tags, which are basically a contents/topics list for the site contained in the HEAD of the site. Your site has no meta tags so web crawlers are handicapped. You need to add a line to your site, between <HEAD> and </HEAD> something like:-
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="sailing dinghies Laser Oban">
Just think of any words you would use in a search engine to find your own site and stick them in CONTENT. Don't overdo it: ten - twenty keywords is plenty; a hundred would be rated as SPAM and the clever web crawlers will ignore your site
on principle.

Good luck!


went to you site and it is nice. Why the pop unders?

i keep pics of my sailing at

it's really where i keep my travel pics, but if you scroll down to "sailing"
you'll see my boat (a 49 ft center cockpit Hinckley) and some of the pics of the places I've taken her. Interior shots, crew, skipper, blah blah blah....



Getting your site to come up on search engines.
First it has to have a different name to all the others ,or you stand no chance .
I have carburetter site right up there amongst the firms that pay a fortune for it .The site is not fancy even the first page still comes up indexhtml
My boats web site is one of those that the name does not stand out so it will never be right up there .
One very good way is to use
all4one web site submissions
just type that in your search ,it actually works ,
I have never paid and my site is normally one of the leading contenders .
The content of your web site is very important as well ,I saw one which was posted on mby the other day ,it hardly had any content and was so slow to load !!! a hour with dream weaver would sort that out.
Meta words and key words that's what I picked up on when I got into it ,bet there'll be some flash git say I'm all wrong and it's this or that but , you see I don't care I really don't my site is up running making money well ( now and then ) .
When you go to other sites , right click then veiw source ,you can now see all the key words they used and every thing else for that matter .Why not copy their key words and stuff then past it into yours .
One last point you will need to give it some time as well search engines need to be told your there ,they will follow link's from other site's that they already know ,and that get checked on a regular basis .So get your site on others link's pages that will help.
As I have said I aint no expert but have found a way through
Macromedia ,dream weaver is the best for web page building.
they do a thirty day free trial
Freeserve give free web space and they have ftp terrapin to upload your ftp
again on a free trial .So apart from the cost of the phone bill while uploading it's good.
You can use windows by using your isp ftp://upload site and have both windows open your local folder and your sites folder drag the files across , this is easy but I think it's better to use terrapin because it checks your site and even fixes errors for you.


New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex
getting a good ranking in the search engines, or being listed at all is a black art.

I had a quick peak at your site and noticed a few things that could help.

1. the page title between the <title> tags - don't just use "Home Page" - this is a missed opportunity as some engines scan this.

2. The page heading - I know an image looks better but a text heading is sometimes picked up better.

3. ALT tags - none of your images have ALT tags, this is a descrption of what the image is but if you word it carefully is another thing that will help.

4. META tags are also essential but I think this has already been mentioned.

I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

Roger Holden


Now then, why is it I seem to only be able to get index.htlm up on the search engines .Trouble being my lack of brain power it tails off when I read the help section on dreamweaver . Most of it I scrape by but this one has me stumped !! is it to do with the hmtl code for the page title ??



New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex

Firstly I wouldn't complain if you only get your index page on the search engines - unless your site has massive content then it doesn't really matter. If your navigation is OK then people should find what they're looking for.

As far as getting other pages up then I think this depends on the search engine. If your subsequent pages are well designed and use META tags properly then the search engine should "spider" the site, i.e. follow the links and index the pages accordingly.

Some, on the other hand will require submission of the pages individually and if you submit too many the site thinks you're taking the p*** and doesn't list any!!

I only use Google - generally if you can't find what you're looking for there then you won't find it. The Google algorythm works partly on popularity which is why us farties with small sailing sites don't get listed. Type is "sailing" and you're more likely to get an obscure article on the BBC web site because of the sheer popularity of the site.

I've mananged to get sites on the first pages of excite, and in the first few pages of google, and others that have got nowhere.

Looking at the tags and designs of similar sites to yours and using the same ones seldom seems to work either!!

Roger Holden


New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex
A word about META tags

Just as a word of advice - if you were to view the source of someone else's page and copy their tags or if you were to include key words such as "Beneteau", "Bavaria" "Ancasta" or whatever, you could be infringing copyright law if you use a registered trademark without permission.

Roger Holden


Well-known member
5 Jun 2001
Visit site
Ah the black art of web listing

Another one is to have a page on your site with just links to your pages, but with no discriptions in them , so the page would show blank if viewed,

ie <a href="germany/borkum.html" >havenothing in here</a>

<a href="germany/rhine.html" ></a>

<a href="germany/helgoland.html" ></a>

<a href="germany/nok.htm" ></a>

The other one I have been told about is to have others link to your pages also improves search engine listings.

Good Luck
