Sailing off a buoy


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Excellent sail yesterday down to Newton Creek for lunch and then back. I tried a new way of sailing off a buoy. Instead of walking the buoy down the side (would'nt have been possible in the wind) I rigged a slip through the bouy loop and attached at the midships and then released the slip from the bow, this worked very well.

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18 Nov 2001
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New hieland dance ......

The SOBHD (always watch thon as hae the lacey-uppy dancing shoes – they ken whit they’re daeing) or the Scotland Official Highland Dancing Board (yon wi twa claymores an a karry-oot, ye ken?) hae offishially recognised this wee jig o’ oor Jim an hear it is.

It’s nae got a name, but we’ll think o yin, nivver feart. Ra dance is tae music orra Duke O Perth – the maggotty auld git:

Forum a set o as mony folk as are up fer this
Grip the buoy in yer hand an’
Sashay wi’ quick steps toward yer partner
Circle roond an ahent
Dae a pousette (thon wull be verra impressive)
Birl her aboot whooping or cursing as ra wants
Fling wi a michty heave the buoy oer ra side (keep a haud o yer jabo, mind)
Sashay once or twice ra partner and gan back fer the next set
…. Repeat fer 120 bars

Aye, wull be michty impressive tae see ra demonstration ………

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: New hieland dance ......

"Weel, there'a a good man gone!" said ParaHandy. "Och! poor Twister! It was yon last smasher of a sea. He's over the side. Poor laad! Poor laad! Cot bless me, dying withoot a word o' Gaalic in his mooth! Its a chudgement on us for the way we wiz carryin' on, chust a chudgement; not another drop o' drink will I drink, except maybe beer. Or at New Year time. " to be continued ...

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