Sailing Channels and the new world order.


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25 Jan 2020
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another episode of pandemic free / lockdown hysteria avoidence sailing from Aventure Now .

Corona Virus be damned!
This is the first video of Adventure Now filmed in March and posted April 10th. They have only just started their sailing channel and must be the first sailors to start a channel in/during lockdown (not sure when lockdown started in UK).
I am looking forward to watching all of these videos to see how they have managed. Thanks to cherod who found them - but who is too mentally challenged to actually post them himself ;)


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2 Dec 2018
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Corona Virus be damned!
This is the first video of Adventure Now filmed in March and posted April 10th. They have only just started their sailing channel and must be the first sailors to start a channel in/during lockdown (not sure when lockdown started in UK).
I am looking forward to watching all of these videos to see how they have managed. Thanks to cherod who found them - but who is too mentally challenged to actually post them himself ;)
thank you for that Mr Lord ,,, i think i have watched them all ( well most of them ) ,, i like them ,, ( but that might be due to my mentally challenged state !! ).. i am sure you will enjoy . i will not be " spoiling " anything for you / others if i tell you that they are dong fine .


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2 Dec 2018
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may i suggest " sailing to freedom " ( with whom many of you may be familiar ) their latest " Exile at Sea pt 1 " , not the usual stranded in paradise type stuff.


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25 Jan 2020
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cherod, You are welcome to post any video you wish. I did have a look at Excile at Sea and those two videos fit the parameters of thread. But I will only post videos I have watched myself.


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2 Dec 2018
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I watch only three channels, most have run out of steam and do not know how to say anything interesting. The channels I watch are

Sailing Yacht Florence
Sailing Fair Isle
Erik Aanderaa

Florence is simply charming. Sailing Fair Isle is a couple that I feel some a certain kinship with as they are a similar age and have a similar boat and Erik is pure entertainment.
of them i only watch " blue peter on tour " , ( fair isle ) but they are getting more and more boring , tho are relevant to this thread , how are the other two dealing with the " pandemic " ?


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15 May 2005
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Florence's videos are now up to date to the start of the lockdown, where they had some trouble finding a country that would let them in. They've spent the past few weeks anchored off the appropriately named Isolation Bay, which looks idyllic but lacks any amenities including phone signal.


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25 Jan 2020
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I watch only three channels, most have run out of steam and do not know how to say anything interesting. The channels I watch are

Sailing Yacht Florence
Sailing Fair Isle
Erik Aanderaa

Florence is simply charming. Sailing Fair Isle is a couple that I feel some a certain kinship with as they are a similar age and have a similar boat and Erik is pure entertainment.
Thanks for those recommendations. Florence is a new one to me and will have to check them out. I need to watch more of Viking Eric! And yes Fair Isle have always been a bit boring but in a very nice way. But I thought they did the best Lockdown videos and seemed to be the only Europenan (at least med based) to have lockdown at anchor. Its all about being in the right place at the right time! I discovered them after checking up on last years 'Arc Portugal Rally' - I was in Northern Portugal and Galicia when the rally were expected to arrive but they set off in a storm (just before to be fair) so everyone was delayed. I spent a long time tracking the boats and seeing how they coped. I was very, very disappointed with Fair Isles "Biscay Crossing' video when they first started the channel. As journalists I was expecting a proper story not some whitewashed liberal version. I think the 'Portugal Rally' is a load of nonsense and dangerous to boot and completely misses out Galicia and Lisbon / Setabul etc and people should be discouraged from doing it. Fair Isle proved themselves to be lightweight from the off imho. But I still like them!


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25 Jan 2020
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@ Sea Lord isn't it time you stop watching video and in Velcro your boat ? :)
LOL yes I have fallen into a rut already. I have taken 12 month contract because I expect more trouble this winter and I got a deal. But the plan is to leave the marina in a week or ten days. When I am finally free I will PM and see if we can meet up if you are still in the area.


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2 Dec 2018
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C mon Lordy , too busy To watch these days , whats happening , i see margareeta and Peter Have a new one up but aint had a chance to watch yet


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25 Jan 2020
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C mon Lordy , too busy To watch these days , whats happening , i see margareeta and Peter Have a new one up but aint had a chance to watch yet
Thread was started in lockdown about lockdown and lockdown is now lifted it seems?


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2 Dec 2018
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Thread was started in lockdown about lockdown and lockdown is now lifted it seems?
Yes almost there Lordy , well here anyway , but the latest pt 4 and 5 of sailing to freedom
are well worth a watch ( i guess a few weeks behind in publishing )


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25 Jan 2020
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Holly Martin Is The Star Of Sparxsea ‘Little Wooden Boat’ Video

I’m currently in the Las Perlas Islands. They’re an archipelago off the Pacific coast of Panama. I’m planning on making the passage to French Polynesia at the end of May. The Pacific is finally starting to open up again from the COVID scare. I’ll hopefully get to New Zealand by October, where I will officially finish the circumnavigation that was started when I was born. My long-term plan is to circumnavigate solo. So far, I’ve done all my sailing from Maine to here solo, and I’m excited to continue the trend.