Sail numbers



Probably a dumb question to all you sailing freaks, but I have just ordered a new mainsail for my ancient wooden boat and they want to know what sail numbers I want. What do these numbers represent, why are they all so different, how do you go about getting one?

tks, djm


..are obligatory, I believe, for a boat taking part in a race. Other than they're not needed but handy for identication by, for instance, the coastguard heli.

They are different because some classes of boats have their own number systems otherwise you get a standard GBR number from the RYA who administer the system.

If you want one contact the RYA technical department who issue them. Issuing is free for RYA members otherwise they charge, about £20 from memory. When I got one for my boat this year I found the process efficient and fairly quick.

Chris Enstone, Rival Spirit


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16 May 2001
Cargreen, Cornwall
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If you haven't had one up to now and don't race I wouldn't bother with one. If your ancient boat is one of a class, you might be able to find out which hull number she is and put that on the sail together with the class insignia. Failing that, if you want a sail number for identification purposes, then follow Chris's advice and contact the RYA



Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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The origins of Sail numbers are well explained above. But of course, its your boat, and you can put what you like on the sail, with the sole purpose of assisting anyone who might want to identify your boat from a distance - such as HMCG, your wife, or whoever...

In that case you could put what you like on your sails: phone number? Credit card Pin Number? Girl friends phone number? (as long as the wife doesnt recognise it) etc. etc.

One chap I knew who changed his boat regularly used the number of old boats he had owned - got up to about No 23 before he gave up...