S230 Sealine


Well-known member
11 Mar 2016
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Think the 230 was a good few years previous to 99. Would be s240/24 by then, I’m sure.
For me it would depend what diesel she had too. Some of the early ones had the 31 engines. Although great and reliable things…they are not far off full throttle to keep them planing. Fair old time before the turbo comes on boost too, if that bothers you.


Well-known member
13 Jul 2021
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Sealine 230, 240 and S24 are pretty much the same boat.

230 was produced to about 1994.
240 was literally just a rename, and was built until 1997.
S24 1997 onwards had minor interior and styling updates, but it was still the same boat.

Later S23/S25 were different.

I've owned 240 / S24 / S28 / SC35.
Although the SC35 is an impressive thing and can squash waves like no other, my favourite boat to helm was the S28 in some respects 🧐
230 / 240 / S24 is great as a weekender for a couple or with young kid in moderate conditions.
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