Round The Island Race


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1 Mar 2003
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Hi folks,

Bit of a funny request but worth a go I guess.

Last year I put myself in danger at the Needles by almost hanging off the big cliff to get some great photos, this spot is good if the weather is nice. However I am thinking what would I do if the weather is not so good this year. I know we are a little way away but basically is there anyone out there in this forum with a good, fast yacht that would not mind me jumping on for the ride to take photos from? I wont get in the way and if I am required I can pull bits of string or even helm! ;-) I only really need this option if the weather is looking rubbish so sorry if it seems a bit cheeky.

Any help would be much appreciated.

My pics from last year are here if anyone is interested.... <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>



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26 Dec 2003
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Try cintacting Tony Chilvers, the sailing secretary at the Island Sailing Club. He might find you a ride in one of the boats.

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1 Mar 2003
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Thanks for the response, I can get on a press boat normally with no problems. But my main point is that if the weather is looking dull and a bit windy I would rather sail it and take less photos but at least taking part which is what I like best anyway, just sometime one needs to earn a living.

So if there is any one out there with a spare crew spot if the weather is looking a bit smelly then I would be glad to take the ride. sure there must be a few guys counting on the weather being light, so if it looks like its going to be bad let us know.



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