Well-known member
At a recent Drascombe Rally a friend of mine had a 'roached mainsail' (wider white area at the top of the sail supported by a batten as pictured). The sail can be used to good effect in light airs, although the usual way of 'harbour furling' the main, e.g. Rolling it up against the mast is hindered and reefing looks a bit nuts because you still have the large white area on top.
Question from a novice, I am totally wrong obviously but I would of thought the last thing you want is sail area on top of a sail as it will make the boat heel more. Why not have a larger area below, maybe as there is no boom!? To all those comics yes I know Drascombes will never be quick, they are not about being quick
Question from a novice, I am totally wrong obviously but I would of thought the last thing you want is sail area on top of a sail as it will make the boat heel more. Why not have a larger area below, maybe as there is no boom!? To all those comics yes I know Drascombes will never be quick, they are not about being quick
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