Riverside Pubs (partic by the Severn)


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
As my "inbetween boats" situation continues I occasionally treat the family to a nice Sunday lunch at a hostelry overlooking the Severn (which is close to where I live). Hopefully such an establishment will offer:

a) a choice of freshly cooked roasts
b) a nice garden where I can sit and enjoy a pint whilst watching the occasional boat pass
c) a congenial landlord and lady and some attentive service
d) not cost an arm and two legs.

Unfortunately I am severly doubting such a pub exists. Over the winter we visited a local and well known Severnside pub. It was a Saturday lunchtime and the place was deserted. I went to the bar to order our drinks which were duly poured. I then asked if I could order food. This would be possible but I had to go to the end of the bar to order. So the server and I walk to the end of the bar to order our meals. Problem was I was only allowed to pay for the food order at that till. I then had to walk back to my original place at the bar and pay for the drinks separately. A little time and motion study might be appropriate methinks. Anyway whole place was rather grubby and the food was crap.

We recently tried another Severside pub. Nice location but again the place looked a bit of a grubby.

This is the welcome we received

PeteM "Hello, can we order some food"
Landlord "Have you booked"
PeteM "No"
Landlord "You'll be lucky"
PeteM "Is it OK if we eat in the garden"
Landlord "OK but you can't have the roast because they for the people who have booked"

Admittedly it was a sunny bank holiday but the place was so badly run that they managed to run out of glasses. When I ordered a coke I was told that I could have a can but no glass or straw. Again, couldn't order food and drinks at the same time.

So, please could someone tell me if there is a decent riverside pub within say a 30 minute drive from Cheltenham.

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Actually we had a cracking pub meal near to you a couple of weeks ago at the Fieldens Arms (Mellor).

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21 Jun 2003
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I know that pub, drive past regularly.

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New member
16 Sep 2002
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Hi Pete, come on name and shame mate!!

I think the 'best' pubs for you would be

Severn Pubs...

1) The Red Lion at Wainlode, there are no moorings there - so i aint bin
in it, but it looks good and busy - there is a garden that overlooks the river

2) The Boat (I think its called that!! D'oh) another pub by the river with a garden and mooring, beer is good.

3) Haw Bridge, good food and good beer - not much in the way of a garden but what is there overlooks the moorings. Also there is an excellent steak house just next door.

4) The LowerLode - sited at the confulence <sp?> of the mill avon and the severn, beer is good but i have not eaten there, excellent garden with a small slipway.

Gloucester and Sharpness Canal...

1) The Pilot, awfull yellow pub on the banks of the G&S canal, Expensive and beer crap - aviod unless desparate.

2) Tudor Arms at ShepardsPatch, Excellent food and beer - BUT does not direcly overlook the canal, (D'oh) but eat there and walk along the towpath. Very busy boatwise.

Is this helpfull????

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