Rivers Avon / Severn


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21 Jun 2003
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For future information and possible change of cruising ground, anyone on the above around Tewksbury ish. if so were are the nice marinas, how much, were to cruise, is it possible to stay overnight away from berth like the broads, what type of craft on there ie. is it all ditch crawling stuff and ancient river cruisers (no offence intended to owners of said craft) any info really.
Regards - Ian

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11 Jun 2001
Stratford upon Avon/Sant Carles
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Avon better than the Severn IMHO. Banks very high on the Severn, but the locks are manned/electric. Marina at Upton pretty good. Avon more attractive, but locks can be quite heavy. If you can get through the bridge at Tewkesbury you should be OK up to Stratford. Levels can be low and a possibility of grounding the higher up you travel. Plenty of places to stop. Marinas good at Tewkesbury, and several boat clubs up river offer moorings. Check fuel availability, it may be a case of transporting it in cans. Booklets available from Lower/Upper Avon Navigations.

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25 Aug 2003
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Ian, Used to boat on both the Avon and Severn, I moored at Tewksbury in the lower basin, which was actualy on the river severn level. The river Avon had just enough air draft for a Princess 33 (non flybridge), but at the lowest bridge (Tewksbury) the river only needed to come up a few inches and you were stuck. The river above Evesham is shallow and the river bed is hard, so mainly small cruisers and canal boats up to Stratford.
The severn and G&S shipping canal ok for cruisers, Mooring better on the Shipping canal for just stopping than on the severn, Upton and Stourport both have marinas . Be prepared for the usual abuse from fishermen. All this info is a few years old, so things may have changed.
Hope this helps
All the best Steve

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12 Feb 2004
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I am currently based at Tweksebury Marina and can reccomended it with River and Pontoon morrings + usual facilities. Seven has some good moorings outside a few nice pubs towards Gloucester not so much up to Upton-o-s although there is a good modern Marina there. Lower Avon requires a license from LANT which runs into the UANT license past Evesham. Really depends on size of your boat.!


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23 Jul 2001
Malvern, Worcs
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Severn and Avon are very different rivers
Severn is high banks, floods and flows fast in the winter, less spots to moor up - Tewkesbury Marina, then Upton Marina and Upton Town Quay (great for the August Water Festival), then not much up to Stourport. You can moor up in Worcester city centre (if shopping is a requirement) something like £2.50 a night. Dont moor under any of the bridges, kids sometimes chuck stuff off. There is a great pub called the Camp Inn between Worcs and Stourport. The view of the Cathedral as you approach from the south is just superb.
Avon is slower flowing with lower bank and hence the possibility of looking over the fields and a better view. Pershore, Evesham and up to Stratford are possible with more opporunity for casual moorings, with many smaller moorings. Dont stop at the Fleet Inn just north of Tewks very poor food and service IMHO.

If you want to trailer and lauch, then the best slip on the Severn is at Kempsey (Seabourne Marine) - A good one to use (but appears small) is at Kingfisher just south of Pershore. There is no slipway at Tewkesbury Marina and the one at Upton is flat at the bottom and useless in the summer (too shallow) unless you get the Hoist to put you in and that costs.

Very worth doing for a couple of seasons.

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8 Sep 2019
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Sorry to resurrect an old thread, I have a Merry Fisher 805, could anyone tell me if they have experience in going under the bridge in Tewkesbury (King John) with an 805 or of a similar height? Thank you!


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19 Jan 2009
Stratford on Avon
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Sorry to resurrect an old thread, I have a Merry Fisher 805, could anyone tell me if they have experience in going under the bridge in Tewkesbury (King John) with an 805 or of a similar height? Thank you!
As I have mentioned before, the Lockmaster will give you excellent advice, as will Tewkesbury Marina staff. You are better off asking them.