River Deben


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9 Jun 2001
East Coast
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I have visited the Deben a couple of times and stayed at the Tidemill Marina. I fancy trying Ramsholt and Waldringfield which have moorings. Does anyone know if there are visitor ones available or who I have to contact to pick-up one for the night.

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8 Feb 2002
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There are usually visitor & spare moorings you can pick up - pick up a vacant mooring & then speak to the harbourmaster and confirm it's OK - he might move you to another. You can also often pick up a mooring at Felixstowe Ferry.
Not sure where you are based, you don't say on your profile, the entrance bouys have been moved, much easier to get in now, approx 1.4m depth at LW Neaps.
Search on this forum under River Deben and you'll find the new bouy positions. If you can't find them I can post them again tomorrow.

<hr width=100% size=1>dickh
I'd rather be sailing... :) /forums/images/icons/smile.gif


30 Nov 2002
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Re: River Deben - moorings

Here are some phone numbers of people who can help:

Woodbridge - try Eversons - 01394 385786. They may well have some in Methersgate or Troublesome. That's about as high up as you can get and lie afloat apart from the hole off their jetty.

(for completeness - Tide Mill Yacht Hr 01394 385745)

Ramsholt - try George Collins, the Harbourmaster - best in evenings - 01394 334318. Or ask for him in the pub.

You can anchor at the Rocks, if you get there before every space is taken......

Waldringfield I don't know about.

You don't seem to have a copy of East Coast Rivers - better buy one now!

Help yourself to my mooring if I'm not on it, but its in Methersgate reach - pretty, but nowhere to go ashore.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Mirelle on 22/05/2003 22:16 (server time).</FONT></P>


New member
10 Feb 2003
University of Durham
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Re: River Deben - moorings

Theres a chandlers in Waldringfield who if you phone can reserve you a mooring for the night. Don't have the number, but they are the only ones in Waldringfield. I think visitor moorings are white, but don't count on it until you've spoken to the chappy. Entrance to the Deben this year is great, but can be far too exciting in a swell, if big swell, wait until very near high water, or don't bother if you draw a lot. I strangely miss this gauntlet of the narrow entrance from the south, it looked very cool if you were taking friends up it for the first time having to go through a 20ft gap or however wide it was.

<hr width=100% size=1>whoever took the user name seamanstains you are about as unoriginal as me. damn you.