Reporting back - BVI charter hol



I got some info from this BB, so I thought it'd be an idea to report back how we got on.

We went over Christmas and NYear. As advised, it was a great holiday, good weather, one overcastish day, but usually solid 4-5 from Eastish. Quite hot at nights, so mozzie cream/spray needed if dozing up on deck, or down below as all the windows need to be open.

We went with Sunsail, who seem to have hundreds of boats. Over Christmas, though, they're all rented, so big strain on their resources for fixing things.

The BVI area is about as big as the Greater Solent but with the IOW removed and then sprinkled about, with added sand and the sun turned up. Everywhere sailable by sight in a couple of hours, except the more distant Anagarda (sp?)

Most spots are really good, but romatically named Spanish Town seems a dump other than the actual marina pontoons. I'd avoid the marinas, as there isn't enough air moving through the boat, so too hot. Much better to anchor out.

Reasonable schedule seemed to be to whack into the sailing early, and have done for a late lunch, which wins a good anchor spot (loads of buoys in the good places).

We'll go again, not take wet weather gear, be more ready for squalls, take more cheap spare sunglasses, fleeces only for the airport, food for the 2-3 hour long transfer, not go to Spanish Town, but revisit Saba Rock area, Jost Van Dyck and others.

The prices have all gone up of course, and some people (mebbe hereabouts?) know the score and all the good seats and good flights are booked up by Feb for the following year.

Thanks for the help.



Its great to hear you had a good time. Did you get to USVI?

I heard that the ship bringing out 40 new Sunsail yachts for the winter season had broken down and was stuck in Brest until February. Did this affect you any?


Regarding USVI, No, not sailing. The planes go to St Thomas, and transfer by boat. Not sure if the charter companies like people wandering off too much to USVI, or if it was special arrangement, or an extra 50 quid insurance, something like that. Although the islands start very close indeed (few hundred yds) habitation is some distance.

Yes, many boats were indeed delayed. I hadn't realised that they drag the boats around. One lot had rented the very same boat in Greece a year earlier, and we all pondered a Whitbread For Softies venture. I didn't hear of any spoiled holidays, and some of us (me included) were upgraded foc. Hooray! But, there again, Slightly Boo! : I have to pay next time to make sure of the bigger boat.

Thanks again


Glad to hear you had fun. We did it with Moorings last year, bit more South than you, Grenada to St Lucia stretch. I guess my complaint about Moorings is the dullness of the operation, would be interested if Sunsail were better. I mean, the day we got there we got a boring git briefing us about dont go this way or that way becuase of (tiny) reefs (all of which we could miss by 6 inches cos we took our own plotter - something said boring git noted with disdain). And we were the only charterers that day so no opportunity to meet others till a few days later when we caught up with some at beaches. My impression is that Sunsail work harder to give you a goodtime, more lively, dont drone on about how you'll lose your deposit if you hit a reef blabla, and they brief several groups togehter so easier to meet people etc etc. What did you think?

I think the Moorings boats are good, you can pay extra hundred quid to get one that's new that year (still no plasma screen though, so why bother).

Also I too heard that they ship loads of these boats between Med in summer and Carib in Winter. But I thought you already did that with the T48?

Interesting to hear you mention marinas. Apart from Grenada itself and Clifton Harbour on Union Island there were no marinas in our bit. Every night was spent at anchor. Seemed dodgy at first but worked OK. We loved the sailing, good easterlies all day, we too sailed all morning to get a good anchorage by lunchtime before the place filled up a la Lakeside car park. We might do it again, maybe on a 40ish foot cat to get more living room and cover more miles in the morning so allowing more loafing around time in the afternoon

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