Fr J Hackett
As rare as rocking horse poo, which you will see if you read the notice and it doesn't include my wife ran the car out of fuel but I had a can of red on the boat.There are exemptions as to when you can use red diesel/gasoil in your car (as we found out during the fuel shortage crisis in 2000).
You may, if the correct criteria are met, apply for a rebated fuel licence (Using rebated fuels in vehicles and machines (Excise Notice 75)) however it appears to be a more protracted process and the circumstances somewhat tighter than it used to be.
The case I reference was in 2000 and the person in question was issued a certificate to present if required stating that duty had been paid. Bearing in mind the likelihood that there would be residual staining of the fuel lines, they kept this certificate in the glove compartment until they got rid of the car in case they ever got checked in the future.