Reefing line on Main


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4 Feb 2003
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My Yamaha 26 manual showing that the main sail has 2 cringles on the leech and 2 cringles on the foot for the #1 and #2 reefing. But the sail I have now only got 2 cringles one the leech.

So, can I just tie the knot to "leech cringle > cheek block on the boom > cleat for the reef line" instead of "leech cringle on the foot + boom > leech cringle > cheek block on the boom > cleat for the reef line".

Or, there is some other method to tie it?

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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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My guess is that the cringles in the foot were to allow the reefing pennant to be led from the block, to the leech and back down and around the boom.

If the block hasnt been moved, simply leading the pennant to the leech is unlikely to work well, as the leech cringle will float 'up' off the boom to easily. An extra problem would be that you have roughly halved your purchase to pull down the new clew, which might over stress either the block or the cleat.

My reccomendation would be to re-instate the cringle, so that the pennant can be led back down to the boom as designed.

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