9 Jul 2007 #1 M Major Catastrophe New member Joined 31 May 2005 Messages 24,466 Visit site Just logged on to find five pages of unread threads. After clicking on two of them the board resets them to having read them all.
Just logged on to find five pages of unread threads. After clicking on two of them the board resets them to having read them all.
9 Jul 2007 #2 Vara Active member Joined 20 Feb 2004 Messages 7,015 Location Canterbury/Dover Visit site Discussed on an earlier thread, this system works;
9 Jul 2007 #3 M Major Catastrophe New member Joined 31 May 2005 Messages 24,466 Visit site Oh yes, I had forgotten about that, but my digi camera's battery is 'resting' after a vigorous weekend, so I will have to resort to sketching the screens for reference.
Oh yes, I had forgotten about that, but my digi camera's battery is 'resting' after a vigorous weekend, so I will have to resort to sketching the screens for reference.
9 Jul 2007 #4 rwoofer Active member Joined 1 Apr 2003 Messages 3,355 Location Surrey Visit site I didn't catch the earlier thread. What was it called, so that I can find it? Thanks
9 Jul 2007 #5 M Major Catastrophe New member Joined 31 May 2005 Messages 24,466 Visit site [ QUOTE ] I didn't catch the earlier thread. What was it called, so that I can find it? Thanks [/ QUOTE ] The one I forgot about. Memory going......
[ QUOTE ] I didn't catch the earlier thread. What was it called, so that I can find it? Thanks [/ QUOTE ] The one I forgot about. Memory going......