can any one els help with my search for more information on my boat ie whare it was made well relly any thing would be nice so far i've found out it's a teal 232
Matt, Teal Boats Limited have long gone out of existence, I think around the 70s. I have no idea where they were built and until you said so I was unaware they every built a boat that did not have a mock clinker hull. As far as I am aware their last boat was called a 670 and was 22' long.
Byron many thanks for the info on teal although people seem to have heard of Teal details are a bit thin on the ground. So on with my quest if any body can sugest where I might find some more info again it would be greatly recived
Yes, that makes sense. Other Teal moulds went elsewhere and are now mostly long lost I suspect.
Have you tried contacting Mark Turley who runs the Q&A section on Motor Boats Monthly? You can e-mail him at MBM hold a reasonable archive of info on some 1970s boats, although the task of tracking down additional info is difficult as so few records were preserved, so a fast answer is unlikely.
Mark can also publish your boat alongside a request for more info if he doesn't have the immediate answers you are seeking. He'll need good quality pics, preferably more than one view but certainly a side view.