Re-broadcasting Wifi - Advice required please - Moved from Lounge.


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27 Feb 2004
Cap d'Agde, France
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In summer during the day I can connect reasonably well to my office wifi signal about 100mts away. This is broadcast using a standard, I believe, Belkin wifi. When the office closes, though, they have metal window shutters which effectively block the signal when I need it most - evenings.

My idea is to fix some sort of re-broadcasting system to the outside of the office, fed from inside, in order to receive the signal when the office is closed and a good external aerial/booster for the boat. Any advice on what sort of kit I need would be greatly appreciated.

As always, my thanks in advance for your thoughts.



Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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My idea is to fix some sort of re-broadcasting system to the outside of the office, fed from inside, in order to receive the signal when the office is closed and a good external aerial/booster for the boat. Any advice on what sort of kit I need would be greatly appreciated.

One possibility, as Twister Ken suggests, is to use a wifi range extender. That's basically a device which connects to one wireless network and then offers connections on a another related one.

Another idea might be to use a wifi access point, which is more or less the same but connects to the existing network via a wired connection rather than a wireless one. That might be better if you have access to a live ethernet port inside the building, since you'll need to get power outside anyway.

Often the same devices will work both ways - here's one like that from Maplin, for thirty quid:

One final idea. You might be able to put the whatever-it-is inside the building and use a remote aerial at the end of some coax outside.


Well-known member
29 Feb 2008
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I have a wifi extender in the house which works well for the extension but won't reach the barn which is only 25 metres from the house which is a pita for my wife who uses it as studio. It certainly won't do the claimed 100metres!