I ordered and have now received a new Radial headsail.
The measured max. Luff length was measured (by the Sailmaker's man) as 11640mm.
I asked them to make a LARGE light weather sail for the boat.. ( To give me a better chance against the modern light weather flyers.)
My old headsails have been hoisted relative to a marked halyard and could just be pulled out so that the sheave actually marked the halyard "Stop ball" I can of course tighten the rig with the backstay.
I hoisted the new sail on a nice quiet day and although I didn't use a winch handle, sweated it up pretty damn tight by hand. (2 turns on a Lewmar 16) The original mark is now 6 to 8 inches short of the mark on the coach roof.. Didn't measure accurately at the time..
I phoned the sailmaker and asked if the cloth stretched or shrunk in use ?
Was told that it wouldn't shrink and there would be very little stretch
If the difference is 6 inches it's a shortage of 1.309 percent on the luff.
And 8 inches is 1.746
Furtermore it's now a (marginally) lower aspect ratio.
When I spoke of lost sail area they muttered about "leech hollow"…
Should I pursue the matter??? The sail was NOT cheap…
No names, no pack drill.
Just like your thoughts??
Thanks in advance.
Cheers Bob E….
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The measured max. Luff length was measured (by the Sailmaker's man) as 11640mm.
I asked them to make a LARGE light weather sail for the boat.. ( To give me a better chance against the modern light weather flyers.)
My old headsails have been hoisted relative to a marked halyard and could just be pulled out so that the sheave actually marked the halyard "Stop ball" I can of course tighten the rig with the backstay.
I hoisted the new sail on a nice quiet day and although I didn't use a winch handle, sweated it up pretty damn tight by hand. (2 turns on a Lewmar 16) The original mark is now 6 to 8 inches short of the mark on the coach roof.. Didn't measure accurately at the time..
I phoned the sailmaker and asked if the cloth stretched or shrunk in use ?
Was told that it wouldn't shrink and there would be very little stretch
If the difference is 6 inches it's a shortage of 1.309 percent on the luff.
And 8 inches is 1.746
Furtermore it's now a (marginally) lower aspect ratio.
When I spoke of lost sail area they muttered about "leech hollow"…
Should I pursue the matter??? The sail was NOT cheap…
No names, no pack drill.
Just like your thoughts??
Thanks in advance.
Cheers Bob E….
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