Quick surveyor question.


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18 Jun 2015
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Need to get a surveyor to cast an eye over a possible (new to us) Bavaria, as I've not employed such a person before - do they normally specialise between brands and genres? (As in some specialise in powerboats not sailing boats etc).

Need surveyor in Southampton, to look at a Bav 36, alternatively has anyone got a personal reccomendation they could offer? Ideally not costing the earth but reliable and open to discussion and more to the point - I'd like to be there and discuss the boat as they do it (is that even a thing?).
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Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Ask them about being in attendance and wanting to ask questions.

If they are unhappy - go elsewhere. You are paying, you are the customer - its your survey.

Its a new, to you, yacht and I assume you need the survey for insurance - it sound as if you did not have a survey completed before purchase. I only ask as if you did have a pre-purchase survey - why is that not good enough for insurance.



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18 Jun 2015
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Ask them about being in attendance and wanting to ask questions.

If they are unhappy - go elsewhere. You are paying, you are the customer - its your survey.

Its a new, to you, yacht and I assume you need the survey for insurance - it sound as if you did not have a survey completed before purchase. I only ask as if you did have a pre-purchase survey - why is that not good enough for insurance.


Its a pre-purchase I need, in my head I've taken ownership but not in reality.


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30 May 2001
South Dorset/moored Poole/lay up Wareham
The only comments I would make is that I think it is important for you to be there as most surveyors find it easier to show the buyer where & what the problem is so that when it is on the report there is no lack of understanding or misinterpretation of any problems located. In practical terms it is also helpful sometimes if a buyer is present when it comes to moving contents around to enable the survey. As a buyer you must ask questions about what the surveyor is doing as it is not a secret society. Before employing a surveyor it can be a good idea to request a sample survey from the surveyor on a similar type of vessel as then you will also get an idea of what you might expect to receive on your survey. It also can (but not always) give you some idea of the thoroughness of the inspection. Finally get recommendations.


Well-known member
27 Mar 2009
UK, Hamble
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A couple of years ago I used Nic Fieldhouse - https://fieldhouse-yacht-surveys.com/

I was very impressed, he spent a lot of time and was very thorough, including (out of water) engine checks. Unlike other surveys I have seen, the report was all about the condition of the yacht and its equipment, it did not go into pages of detail on the layout and how many berths she had!

Nic was very happy for me to be there and explained a lot to me. He did however ask to be allowed to spend an hour or two on his own before I arrived.


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3 Jul 2017
South Devon
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When I had mine surveyed pre-purchase I 'phoned around and found a surveyor who was not only familiar with the type, but owned a similar vintage boat from the same manufacturer. He wasn't the closest or the most convenient. But he was able to impart a lot of knowledge.

Being there during the survey was really useful for me as he was able to discuss things with me and explain things thoroughly rather than just putting them in black and white on the survey report.

Fairs fair though, I kept him supplied with brews from the yard's onsite café for the time it took him to get the survey done.


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18 Jun 2015
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Thanks all for the super fast replies, I have now enagaged the services of a surveyor.
Your guidance as ever (and communications) all gratefully received and digested.


Well-known member
22 Jul 2006
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Being there is good with one caveat - for most of the time let him/her get on with the survey. The surveyor will probably know within half an hour if there are any "show-stoppers" - ie. big problems. In this case you can choose to abort the complete survey and (usually) get a reduced bill.

Once you are past that leave him to get on and come back near the end when he can show you various points that he has found.


New member
24 Nov 2017
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+1 for Nic Fieldhouse.

I used him for a pre-purchase survey of my 2000 Bav 36 and my experience mirrored ithet's.

Sitesurfer -hope your purchase goes ok and that you enjoy your Bav 36 as much as I enjoy mine


Well-known member
2 Dec 2005
Far S. Cornwall
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When I criticised, to another surveyor, the one who dug a hole in bro's cascover sheathing I was told he 'was OK for GRP'. Worth asking around I reckon.


24 Dec 2016
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I highly recommend Nick Vass too. He saved me from myself twice!

The first time, as a complete novice, I emailed him for a spot of advice on an old Hurley which had taken my fancy. He brought me back down to earth by making it very clear what I would be getting myself into given the age and type of engine and general condition of the boat, and pointed out that there were much, much better deals to be had. He charged me nothing for the advice.

The second time I actually made an offer on a Pageant and I engaged him to carry out a survey. He gave a me a preliminary summary which revealed lots of expensive-to-fix issues. As he knew I was on a very tight budget and it was clearly not worth going ahead with the purchase, he didn't write out the full report and charged me a reduced rate to reflect that.

A genuine guy who knows his stuff and won't rip you off.