Yes Joe you are correct. I just feel that SOME training must be better than NO training and can't see how this will happen unless insurers or brokers or someone ensures that it takes place. I'm pretty sure that anti social boating behaviour is normally not intentional but occurs out of a total ignorance as to the effect such action has on others.
Interesting to know that's what caused it. I was having a wander around the marina at the time and saw the said yacht being towed in - as you said there did not appear to be any serious injuries, which if what you say is true is amazing and a very lucky escape for all.
It always surprises me how many stupid people there are out there. We had a situation two years ago, when, having accelerated away from the Pwllheli harbour entrance, we had to unexpectedly slow down - one of the girls was uncomfortable or something like that - and the small speedboat that had been following us came within feet of running straight into the stern.
He had not been looking where he was going and had not slowed down at all. He only missed us because he swerved at the last minuite and was so close that he hit the dingy which was hanging on the davits with the stern of his boat. That was as close a near miss we have had but was very unnerving, especially when the helmsman in question then started shouting pretty stong abuse at us for slowing down and getting in his way!?
On a more pertinent note, I have to say that I saw more bad driving/helming in and around Pwllheli marina this weekend than I have in a whole season previously...including a small fishing type speedboat motoring up the channel half on the plane, creating a large wash, when there was a fellow up his mast on one of the pile moorings nearby - unbelievable.
A second idiot decided, as we were about to leave the fuel pontoon, with the next boat about 30 feet off waiting to come in as we moved off, to motor through this 30 foot gap. Once he realised that he was about to become the jam in the sandwich he decided the best way out was to accelerate off, rather than reverse, stop and wait. In so doing he created a nice wash which sent us crashing into the fuel pontoon and the boat about to move in bobbing about all over the place. When I suggested he might want to slow down, I was again met with incedulity.
surely, anyone who takes an IQ test obviously has some significant doubt regarding their intelligence. In the same way, overweight people buy scales to check their weight each day, and skint people check their bank balance more frequently. imho...
Uhhm. I have no doubts about my intelligence, but did the test for fun. Only scored 159, but I wasn't really trying that hard /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
You will start to feel a gradual seeping away of your powers of thought and reasoning, and will eventually fall into a coma. When you come to, you will find yourself sitting in a white van and reading a copy of the Sun. The pwc will be on a trailer behind you/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif.
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho